Page 18 - AfrOil Week 31
P. 18

AfrOil                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                             AfrOil

       H1-2020 Operational Update, Nigeria: H1-2020                             reiterated at 47,000-57,000 boepd, subject to
       cash collections from the Nigerian Assets of                             market conditions. We expect to narrow the
       $82.1m compared to $55.3m in H1-2019; aver-                              guidance range in Q3-2020. Oil hedging: 1.5mn
       age gross daily production, of which 89% was                             barrel at $45 per barrel in Q3-2020, 1.5mn bar-
       gas, increased 18% during H1-2020 to 21,300                              rel at $30per barrel in Q4-2020, 1mn barrel at
       boepd (H1-2019: 18,100 boepd). This includes                             $30 per barrel in Q1-2021. Full-year capex of
       a 22% increase in production from the Uquo                               $120mn ($86m already invested) to include two
       gas field compared to the same period last year,                         gas wells and related infrastructure.
       from 92.7mn cubic feet per day (15,400 boepd)                              Austin Avuru, Chief Executive Officer, said:
       to 113.5 mcf per day (18,900 boepd); achieve-                            “Seplat has delivered a robust performance
       ment of an all-time Nigerian Assets gas produc-                          despite the unprecedented crises we have expe-
       tion record of 177 mcf per day on May 30, 2020;                          rienced since March. Our continued resilience
       Accugas’ customers achieved an all-time record                           is possible as a result of our financial strength,
       peak contribution of 11.5% of Nigeria’s electric-                        our careful management of risk and our prudent
       ity generation or 486 MW on May 23, 2020, with                           approach to capital allocation. Unlike many in
       the contributed electricity being exclusively gen-                       our industry, we were able to protect our 2019
       erated from Accugas sales gas.      conditions and financing permitting.  dividend and increase our capital investment to
         As announced on January 31, 2020, Accugas   Significant further potential on the Savannah  ensure continued growth.
       entered into the first new gas sales agreement for  PSC areas remains, with 146 further potential   “Our oil hedging strategy and gas revenues
       the business in over five years with First Inde-  exploration targets having been identified for  continue to protect the business from price vol-
       pendent Power Limited (FIPL), an affiliate com-  future drilling consideration.  atility; we are achieving substantial cost reduc-
       pany of the Sahara Group, for the provision of   Savannah Energy, August 02 2020  tions from our suppliers and are managing our
       gas to the FIPL Afam power plant (FIPL Afam).                            own costs even more carefully in this challenging
       Accugas is in the process of working with FIPL to   Seplat Petroleum releases   period.
       validate the third-party infrastructure required                           “Thanks to the excellent relationships we
       to enable the commencement of gas sales under   unaudited H1-2020 results  have with our Government partners and supply
       this contract;                                                           chain, our NPDC receivables have fallen and we
         In June 2020, Accugas signed a term sheet  Seplat Petroleum Development Company, a  are managing our payments equitably. The cash
       with a significant new industrial gas sales cus-  leading Nigerian independent energy company  position is also robust because our careful man-
       tomer, a subsidiary of a well-respected interna-  listed on both the Nigerian Stock Exchange  agement of debt has ensured that the majority
       tional company, for an initial quantity of up to 5  and the London Stock Exchange, announces its  of obligations mature in 2022 and 2023. We are
       mcf per day of gas for an initial five-year period.  unaudited results for the six months ended June  operating within our covenants on all our lines
         In addition, Accugas is progressing a project  30, 2020.               of debt.
       which could see the addition of multiple new gas   Operational Highlights: Working interest   “This is my final set of results as Chief Exec-
       sales customers located within an industrial hub  production comfortably within guidance at  utive of the Company I helped to found 10 years
       area in close proximity to our existing pipeline  51,177 boepd despite market volatility; Eland  ago. I thank all my staff, past and present, for
       network.                            OML40/Ubima assets produced 10,861 bpd,  working to make Seplat a major force in Nige-
         H1-2020 Operational Update, Niger: updated  32% of Group oil volumes, integration progress-  rian energy production. I hand a robust and
       Competent Person’s Report for the Niger assets  ing well; low unit cost of production at $7.60 per  successful company over to Roger Brown in the
       compiled by CGG Services (UK) Ltd was pub-  boe, with cost-cutting initiatives ongoing, par-  confidence that he and everyone at Seplat will
       lished on May 1, 2020, certifying 35mn barrels  ticularly at OML40/Ubima; liquids production  make its second decade even more successful
       of Gross 2C Resources for the R3 East discov-  of 34,117 bpd, gas production of 99mn cubic feet  than its first.”
       eries with an additional 90mn barrels of Gross  (2.804mn cubic metres) per day; ANOH project   Seplat Petroleum, July 29 2020
       Unrisked Prospective Resources (Best case)  remains on track for Q4-2021 first gas, financ-
       within tie-in distance to the planned R3 East  ing RFP launched; Amukpe-Escravos Pipeline
       facilities, and a 2C case economic break-even oil  delayed due to access to the Escravos terminal,   FINANCE
       price estimated at $26 per barrel.  expected operational in H2-2020.
         As previously announced, an agreement was   Financial Highlights: cash increased to   Zenith Energy awarded
       reached with the Niger Ministry of Petroleum  $343mn despite lower revenues, $29mn 2019
       to combine the R4 area with the R1/R2 PSC  dividend, and $86mn capex; net debt steady at   loan facility for African
       Area into a new R1/R2/R4 PSC, extending the  $457mn with most maturities after 2021; reve-
       licences for a further 10 years and retaining the  nue $234mn, down 34.2% due to lower oil prices   development
       full acreage position previously covered by the  and demand; IAS 36 impairment provision of
       R1/R2 PSC and the R3/R4 PSC, and that the  $146mn (non-cash) in line with IAS 36 COVID-  Zenith Energy has announced that its Italian
       R3 PSC area will continue as a stand-alone PSC  19 impact assessment; provision reverses operat-  subsidiary has received approval to be awarded
       area. Ratification of these changes is subject to  ing profit of $33mn to operating loss of $113mn.  a legally binding loan facility for an amount of
       Council of Minister approval and payment of the   Business continuity: business continuity  approximately €300,000 from an Italian govern-
       associated fee.                     and re-opening plan successfully mitigating  mental entity.
         Plans for delivering the R3 East development  the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns; oilfield   The Loan attracts an interest rate of 0.85%,
       continue to progress with the intention to com-  operations largely unaffected, 28-day rotations  has a grace period of 24 months during which
       mence installation of an Early Production Sys-  in force.                only the interest will be payable, normal financial
       tem (EPS) within the next 18 months, market   Outlook: full-year production guidance  covenants, and a duration of six years.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   05•August•2020
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