Page 10 - AfrOil Week 47
P. 10

AfrOil                                              NRG                                                AfrOil

                         Santiago Tanoira, the state-run firm’s vice-pres-  across one unconventional and one conven-
                         ident of gas and energy, praised the new incen-  tional discovery..
                         tives, saying: “We are returning to drill for gas.”
                           Meanwhile, Pan American Energy (PAE),   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         50% owned by BP, has expressed satisfaction   the Middle East’s oil and gas sector then please click
                         with the government’s four-year tender scheme,   here for NewsBase’s MEOG Monitor.
                         under which producers can offer gas to the
                         market at a price of up to $3.70 per mmBtu.  North America: Canada’s net-zero push
                         The tenders will cover 70mn cubic metres per  It has been a busy news week for the Canadian
                         day, equivalent to just over half of current pro-  oil and gas industry. TC Energy announced that
                         duction, and they may save the country around  it had signed a deal paving the way for a poten-
                         $5bn by reducing the need to import gas to cover  tial investment in Keystone XL, Imperial Oil
                         seasonal demand.                     unveiled spending and output plans and more
                           As Rodolfo Freyre, PAE’s vice-president of  details of the country’s path to net-zero green-
                         gas, electricity and commercial development,  house gas (GHG) emissions emerged.
                         said: “Thank goodness the gas plan is being   TC Energy said on November 17 that it had
                         implemented, because if you don’t stop this level  signed a definitive agreement with Natural Law
                         of decline [in gas production], it will continue  Energy (NLE), a group that comprises several
                         to decline.”                         First Nations. The deal allows NLE to invest up
                                                              to CAD1bn ($764mn) in the Keystone XL pro-  The Canadian
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   ject – a cross-border pipeline that would carry
                         the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click   oil from Alberta’s oil sands to the US. TC Energy   PM’s Liberal
                         here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor .  said similar deals could be struck with indige-
                                                              nous groups along the pipeline’s route in both the  Party has tabled
                         Middle East stays busy               US and Canada.
                         The Middle East oil and gas sector has remained   The move comes as TC Energy prepares for   a bill that would
                         busy over the past week, with new contract  US President-elect Joe Biden to take office. There   require the
                         awards, M&A interest and large discoveries all  are fears that Biden could revoke the project’s
                         announced.                           presidential permit, so the company will be keen   government
                           The biggest news came unsurprisingly from  to demonstrate how Keystone XL aligns with
                         Saudi Arabia, where state oil firm Saudi Aramco  Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda.  to set new
                         has launched a new contracting pool for brown-  Separately, Imperial Oil said in its virtual
                         field oil and gas projects and plant upgrades.  investor day presentation that it would raise   decarbonisation
                         Aramco prequalified seven companies and one  capital expenditure and production in 2021   targets
                         consortium to bid exclusively on the work on a  despite ongoing market volatility related to the
                         long-term agreement (LTA) basis similar to the  coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Imperial –
                         existing contracts offering automatic prequal-  which is majority-owned by ExxonMobil and is
                         ification for offshore EPCI work. While new  one of Canada’s top four producers – is intending
                         companies have entered Aramco’s ‘rig of trust’,  to spend CAD1.2bn ($916mn) in 2021, which
                         Hyundai, Saipem and TehcnipFMC are all now  would mark a rise of 33% on 2020. The com-
                         represented in both pools.           pany is targeting a production increase of 5% to
                           Meanwhile in Iraq, two state-owned Chi-  415,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd).
                         nese firms are reported to have shown an inter-  These updates have come against the back-
                         est in acquiring ExxonMobil’s 34.7% stake in  drop of Canada taking another step down the
                         the supergiant West Qurna-1 oilfield, with the  path to decarbonisation. Canadian Prime Min-
                         US firm thought to have grown tired of issues  ister Justin Trudeau unveiled further details
                         with developing the asset and the small returns  of how he intends to achieve net zero by 2050.
                         on offer. Such a move would further emphasise  Trudeau’s Liberal Party has tabled a bill that
                         Iraq’s pivot towards Asia as Western firms bail  would require the Canadian government to set
                         out, citing challenging operating conditions and  new targets – and a plan on how to achieve those
                         low returns on investment.           targets – every five years between 2030 and 2050.
                           With ADNOC dominating recent news flow,
                         it was not out of character that the UAE’s state   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         oil firm made the headlines again this week with   the North American oil and gas sector then please click
                         the announcement of 24bn barrels of oil found   here for NewsBase’s NorthAmOil Monitor.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   25•November•2020
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