Page 16 - DMEA Week 09 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       agreed to exit the Union Fenosa Gas (UFG)   was forced to curtail production owing to the   appointment as managing director KPA and
       joint venture, which owned 80% in the   drop in prices.                  noted that all the candidates scored below
       Damietta plant, with the remaining 20% split   Egyptian exports – from the Idku plant,   the desired threshold of 70 per cent in the
       evenly between EGAS and EGPC. The new   which is operated by Royal Dutch Shell and   interview,” said Mr Yatani.
       ownership structure will see the plant owned   is the only other liquefaction terminal in   Last week, the KPA board interviewed six
       50% by Eni, 40% by EGAS and 10% by EGPC.  the country – have since rebounded. They   candidates and nominated three of them for
         Eni will also take over UFG’s marketing of   stayed strong over the initial weeks of 2021 as   appointment by Mr Yatani after President
       natural gas in Spain, expanding its footprint in   winter demand for LNG soared.  Kenyatta transferred the port authority
       the European market.                BNE                                  functions from the ministry of Transport to
         The Italian company said this week that                                the Treasury.
       the new agreement had received all required   Search for new KPA boss to   Among the candidates was former Lamu
       authorisations and that its final closing was                            Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia-Transport
       anticipated in the first half of March. A   start afresh for third time  (Lapsset) Chief Executive Officer Sylvester
       previous deal to resolve the dispute and restart                         Kasuku, who headed Lapsset from its
       LNG exports fell apart in April 2020 when   The search for Kenya Ports Authority’s new   inception in March 2013 until January 5 when
       conditions attached to it were not met.  managing director is back to the drawing   his term expired.
         The Damietta plant has a capacity of   board for the third time after Treasury and   Planning and Devolution Principal
       5mn tonnes per year (tpy). Its restart comes   Planning Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani   Secretary Mabruk Mwanamaka and James
       as Egypt is trying to boost gas exports   rejected three nominated candidates for the   Ng’ang’a, a former KPA insider who is
       and become a regional energy hub. These   position citing low scores.    currently the infrastructure director Northern
       ambitions suffered a setback last year as the   In a circular dated March 2, 2021,   Corridor at TradeMark East Africa were also
       coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic caused   addressed to the board chairman Joseph   in the race for KPA’s top job.
       demand for LNG to collapse, pushing down   Kibwana, the Treasury directed KPA to begin   EAST AFRICAN
       spot prices for the super-chilled fuel. Egypt   afresh the recruitment process within 45 days.
       is among a small group of exporters that are   “I have reviewed the list of names, scores
       particularly exposed to the spot market, and   and ranking of the candidates proposed for

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   04•March•2021
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