Page 17 - DMEA Week 09 2021
P. 17
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global A power gush of oil was reported at an explo-
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join ration well drilled by a local company called
our team of international editors, who provide a Meridian Petroleum, the Mangistau provincial
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their government said in a statement on February 26.
regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new The field has been named after celebrated Sovi-
concise format, but by clicking on the headline et-era oilman Khalel Uzbekgaliyev.
link for each section the full text will be available
as before. GLNG: Jordan Cove LNG in doubt
The future of Pembina Pipeline’s proposed Jor-
AfrOil: Sasol’s gas FID dan Cove LNG export terminal in Oregon looks
South Africa’s Sasol has made a final invest- increasingly in doubt, with the company taking a
ment decision (FID) on the development of write-down on its investment in the project.
an onshore natural gas field in neighbouring Pembina now says it can no longer predict
Mozambique. This move will allow the com- when the facility may be built, and is evaluating
pany to move forward with this $760mn project, the path forward.
which will include overland gas shipments to
South Africa, LPG production for the local mar- LatAmOil: Ecopetrol comments on ISA bid
ket and the construction of a gas-fired thermal Colombia’s national oil company (NOC) Eco-
power plant (TPP). petrol has defended its decision to submit a bid
for a majority stake in Interconexion Electrica
AsianOil: IOC plans Panipat expansion SA (ISA), the country’s electricity transmission
State-run refiner Indian Oil Corp. (IOC) has system operator (TSO). According to Felipe
unveiled a multi-billion-dollar plan to expand Bayon, the company’s CEO, the TSO is a good
the capacity of its Panipat refinery by 200,000 investment, even though it falls outside Ecopet-
barrels per day. rol’s core business.
The company said on February 26 that it
would invest INR329.46bn ($4.49bn) to increase MEOG: Conduits in the crosshairs
the facility’s capacity to 500,000 bpd by Septem- Pipelines took centre stage in the Middle East
ber 2024. this week. While a gas pipeline in eastern Syria
was attacked amid growing tensions in the
EurOil: European refining developments region, Saudi Arabia has pitched to make itself
Royal Dutch Shell is looking to construct the first the centre of the nascent hydrogen market, offer-
ever commercial bio-power-to-liquid (bio-PTL) ing to pipe hydrogen to Europe.
unit at its Rheinland refinery in Germany, the Nobody has yet claimed responsibility for
company said on February 26. the attack on the al-Jabsa-al-Rayyan pipeline in
The project will involve expanding an exist- the oil-rich Syrian province of Deir Ezzor, which
ing 10-MW electrolyser to a capacity of 100 MW. is home to the bulk of the country’s oil and gas
Using green hydrogen produced from the elec- reserves and producing assets.
trolyser as well as biomass, the PTL unit would
produce 100,000 tonnes per year (tpy) of syn- NorthAmOil: Crude-by-rail on the rebound
thetic kerosene and naphtha. Canadian crude-by-rail exports are reported to
be rebounding after falling almost 40% in 2020,
FSU OGM: Kazakhstan’s big oil find according to the Canada Energy Regulator
Local authorities in Kazakhstan’s oil-rich west- (CER).
ern Mangistau region have reported the discov- The regulator’s data show that crude-by-rail
ery of what could be the region’s biggest oil find exports averaged 172,013 barrels per day, com-
since the country’s independence in 1991. pared with 280,272 bpd in 2019.
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Week 09 04•March•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P17