Page 15 - AsiaElec Week 45 2021
P. 15

AsiaElec                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsiaElec

       RENEWABLES                          sources to around 11 percent of the country’s   plans to have around 30% of Singapore’s
                                           total power consumption in 2021,” Liu   electricity supply from low-carbon electricity
       Construction of 10GW of             Yiyang, deputy secretary general of the China   imports by 2035, S&P Global Platts reported.
                                           Photovoltaic Industry Association, told the
                                                                                  The regulator Energy Market Authority
       renewable energy projects           Global Times on Wednesday.           plans to invite proposals for the supply of up
                                                                                to 4 GW of low-carbon electricity imports
                                              However, the rise is still less than
       in China starts                     anticipated. From January to September,   into the country by 2035, as part of efforts to
                                                                                decarbonise the power sector.
                                           China added 25.56 GW of solar capacity,
       Construction of the first batch of China’s 10   which is far below the industry’s estimation   Singapore is working on a long-term
       gigawatt (GW) wind and solar power projects   earlier this year.         plan to decarbonise its electricity supply that
       has begun, marking further progress in the   “There is no need to rush to install solar   combines natural gas, low-carbon electricity
       country’s effort to meet its net zero goals.   plants in order to reach the carbon peak and   imports, renewables, and low-carbon
         Among all the projects for which   carbon neutrality goals, as they are long-term   alternatives like hydrogen and technologies
       construction has started, the number in   objectives,” Liu said.         like carbon capture, utilisation and storage,
       Northwest China’s Gansu Province is the   While local governments are striving to   which can reduce carbon emissions from
       highest in the country, followed by Northwest   carry out an energy revolution step by step,   fossil fuels, EMA said.
       China’s Qinghai Province. This is partly   Changde in Central China’s Hunan Province   By 2028, Singapore will boast the world’s
       because both regions have vast rocky areas   decided to halt the filing for new solar plant   largest subsea power interconnector, a 4,200
       and deserts, the Xinhua News Agency   projects as the solar plant applications far   km undersea cable carrying solar power from
       reported.                           surpass the local power grid capacity.  Darwin in northern Australia to Singapore,
         As multiple countries are suffering from                               to meet around 15% of the city-state’s total
       energy shortages, the need for clean energy                              power supply.
       supplies has become more urgent.                                           Low-carbon electricity imports include 100
         China will push forward construction of   RENEWABLES                   MW of electricity from Peninsular Malaysia
       power supply projects in order to ease the                               via the existing interconnector expected
       power crunch, Xinhua reported, citing Yu   Singapore heads for green     to commence in early-2022; a pilot project
       Bing, deputy head of the National Energy                                 to import 100 MW of non-intermittent
       Administration.                     energy                               electricity from a solar farm in Pulau Bulan,
         In the first nine months, more than 14                                 Indonesia, by around 2024; and 100 MW
       million kilowatts (KW) of wind power   Singapore’s journey from an international   of power from Laos via the Laos-Thailand-
       capacity has been put into operation, and the   oil and refining hub, that has been core to its   Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project,
       solar power capacity hit 22 million KW, said   economy for decades, to a new energy future,   among others.
       the report.                         has kicked off in earnest.
         “China has achieved its goal of raising   A slew of announcements at Singapore
       its power generation from solar and wind   International Energy Week 2021 included

       Week 45   10•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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