Page 12 - AsiaElec Week 45 2021
P. 12

AsiaElec                                         EMISSIONS                                           AsiaElec

       COP26 sectoral initiatives could

       close 2030 emissions gap by 9%

        ASIA             AN initial assessment by Climate Action Tracker  which importantly is supported by the US,
                         of the impact of the Glasgow sectoral announce-  would account for 800mn tonnes of CO2e
                         ments for methane, coal, forests and transport  reductions by 2030.
                         show they would reduce the 2030 emissions gap   If more countries signed up, such as China,
                         between current government action and a 1.5C  India and Russia, the emissions could fall by 1.4-
                         pathway by just 9%, or 2.2bn tonnes of CO2e.  2.4mn tonnes.
                           This includes only the signatories of respec-  Meanwhile, the current pledges to reduce
                         tive initiatives as of 10 November, 2021, and  coal in power generation would reduce emis-
                         only accounts for reductions that are not already  sions by 200mn tonnes. CAT said that this was
                         planned to achieve the submitted NDCs.  still far below the required 80% reduction of
                           The environmental think-tank said that that  global coal use in electricity generation below
                         the 9% reductions created by these Glasgow sec-  2010 levels.
                         toral initiatives mean that the total emissions   If more countries supported the end of coal,
                         gap in 2030 would fall by a total of 24-25%. This  then the impact could grow to around 2bn
                         is divided into 9% for the sectoral updates and  tonnes.
                         15-17% for the updated NDCs submitted so far   The move to zero-emission vehicles would
                         by national governments.             create 100mn tonnes of additional emissions
                           The think-tank urged governments to update  reductions.
                         their NDCs if participation in any sectoral initia-  CAT said that if all governments, including
                         tives were not covered already by their targets. If  major automobile manufacturing countries such
                         these initiatives gather more support, they could  as Germany and the US, were to sign up to the
                         further reduce the gap by several GtCO2e.  declaration, the additional emission reductions
                           “Even with all new pledges and such sectoral  could be as high as 750mn tonnes.
                         initiatives for 2030, global emissions are still   Finally, COP26’s deforestation agreement,
                         expected to be almost twice as high in 2030 as  which aims to halt and reverse forest loss and
                         necessary to for a 1.5°C compatible pathway.  land degradation by 2030, could provide 1.1bn
                         Therefore, all governments need to reconsider  tonnes of new emissions reductions. This could
                         their targets towards COP27 in 2022 to jointly  be as high as 2-3bn tonnes if countries who did
                         enhance mitigation ambition,” said Climate  not support the agreement, principally Indone-
                         Action Tracker (CAT).                sia, signed up.   ™
                           CAT said that the global methane pledge,

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   10•November•2021
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