Page 9 - AsiaElec Week 45 2021
P. 9

AsiaElec                                  CLIMATE FINANCE                                           AsiaElec

       ADB, EBRD, EDB showcase climate-

       friendly capital at COP26

                         THE UN’s COP26 climate conference in Glas-  the International Fertilizer Association. This
        ASIA             gow has seen development banks from around  indicates to producers what kind of investments
                         the world come together to outline their contri-  they need to make now in order to reach net zero
                         butions to a low-carbon future. Robust financial  in the future.
                         infrastructure is a critical pillar of a just and   One particularly important region is Eura-
                         efficient transition to net zero, but the obstacles  sia. The total area of the Eurasian Development
                         which development banks still face have also  Bank’s (EDB) member states is about a sev-
                         been cast into sharp relief by the conference.  enth of the world’s landmass, and is comprised
                           Development banks are pioneers at the  mostly of developing countries. Russia alone is
                         best of times, tasked with assuring a country’s  the third-largest producer of CO2 historically,
                         socio-economic prosperity well into the future.  as reported by bne. Consequently, the total car-
                         Now, though, even more daring initiatives and  bon sink capacity of the EDB’s member states is
                         ambitious targets are required as banks do their  among the highest in the world. Through a com-
                         bit to tackle climate change, which has estab-  bination of carbon sequestration potential and
                         lished itself not only as the greatest threat of the  emissions reductions, the vast steppe stretching
                         era, but also as an opportunity to create a fairer  across the two continents could be critical in
                         society and a better quality of life for everyone.  combatting climate emissions.
                         At the beginning of the COP26 conference, 10   In a speech at the COP26 climate conference,
                         multilateral development banks (MDBs) issued  Nikolai Podguzov, The chairman of the Man-
                         a joint statement pledging to scale up their activ-  agement Board of EBD, said: “The international
                         ity in response to the climate crisis, particularly  community pays a great deal of attention to our
                         in low and middle-income countries.  region’s ability to reduce its carbon footprint. All
                           Green finance is being raised in ever greater  the bank’s member states have acceded to the
                         quantities around the world, with MDBs mobi-  Paris Agreement and adopted national action
                         lising $66bn for climate friendly investment in  plans until 2030 to combat climate change. If
                         2020, according to the Joint Report on MDBs’  these national plans are implemented, the total
                         Climate Finance. All MDBs agreed to create  emissions by the EAEU and Tajikistan in 2030,
                         frameworks to align their investment projects  with carbon absorption and the projected signif-
                         with the Paris Agreement objectives in 2017,  icant increase in GDP factored in, will be 45%
                         while in 2019, they provided 46% of all public  below 1990 levels.”
                         climate finance.                       This year, the EDB’s Council approved a new
                           The COP26 conference saw another step up  strategy prioritising environmental and resource
                         in the pledges made by development banks. The  efficiency. By 2026, the bank plans to increase the
                         Asian Development Bank (ADB), for example  share of green projects in its portfolio from the
                         used COP26 to launch a new carbon fund, the  current 15% to 25%. Having already financed
                         Climate Action Catalyst Fund (CACF). This is  renewable energy projects with a total installed
                         designed to help member countries meet their  capacity of around 500 MW, it now aims to bring
                         nationally determined contribution targets  the total amount of renewable energy funding
                         (NDCs), and aims to help make carbon credits  up to $1bn. In Kazakhstan alone, the EDB is
                         a viable system across Asia by directing finance  planning projects with a combined capacity of
                         towards their exchange.              300 MW in wind and solar power. These are
                           The ADB is the fourth-biggest in the world,  expected to help reduce the carbon footprint of
                         and will play a significant role in the green tran-  the country’s energy sector to the tune of 1.4mn
                         sition as it rallies support for a net-zero future in  tonnes of CO2.
                         the hugely influential – and polluting – Asia-Pa-  Transport corridors will be another cru-
                         cific region, where “the battle against climate  cial area of Eurasian infrastructure in the fight
                         change will be won or lost”, in the words of ADB  against climate change. The EDB is currently
                         President Masatsugu Asakawa.         involved in the development of land transport
                           The European Bank for Reconstruction and  routes using rail and road, designed to transport
                         Development (EBRD) has also used COP26 as a  people and goods more efficiently in accordance
                         platform for more ambitious targets, promising  with environmental standards, as well as bring-
                         to increase the proportion of total investments  ing greater economic opportunity. They are
                         represented by green finance to more than 50%  expected to cut transport-related CO2 emissions
                         by 2025. It also launched a low-carbon pathway  on the China-EAEU-EU axis by around half.™
                         for the nitrogen fertilizer industry along with

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