Page 5 - AsiaElec Week 45 2021
P. 5

AsiaElec                                     COMMENTARY                                             AsiaElec

                         in terms of investment levels, with offshore wind  towards 2030 as feed-in-tariffs (FiTs) phase out
                         investment continuing to grow and O&G invest-  from next year onwards.
                         ment declining, said Fløtre.           China’s limited, shallow-water offshore O&G
                           The US offshore wind sector is expected to  sector has seen flat investment levels of around
                         see the fastest growth in investment, albeit from  $5bn annually. At the same time, offshore wind
                         very low levels in 2020. Just 42 MW has so far  investments have grown rapidly since 2015,
                         been installed in the form of two small pro-  thanks in part to supportive policies. As a result,
                         jects off Massachusetts and Virginia, the latter  China experienced its crossing point in 2017.
                         installed in 2020.                   Although offshore wind activity is likely to slow
                           The US has seen declining O&G investment  once current investments tail off, the sector is
                         levels, with capex levels expected to fall below  expected to remain larger than offshore O&G
                         $10 billion from 2023 onwards. At the same time,  throughout this decade. China will be the world’s
                         the Biden administration has set an ambitious  largest offshore wind market by 2030, with 58
                         federal offshore wind target of 30 GW by 2030.  GW of installed capacity, said the report.
                         Rystad Energy expects the US to fall short of its   The offshore wind industry in Asia (exclud-
                         declared target, but its forecast of 21 GW by 2030  ing China) remains in its infancy, but capacity is
                         will still entail rapidly increasing investments to  predicted to see rapid growth until 2030. In the
                         between $8bn and $10bn from 2025 to 2030.  short to medium term, ‘inter-tidal’ – or near-
                           Although offshore wind investment is  shore, shallow-water – wind farms in Vietnam
                         expected to fall below that of offshore O&G in  and conventional offshore wind in Taiwan are
                         2030 in the US, following a slight recovery in the  expected to drive capital investment until 2025.
                         latter sector, offshore wind will again see larger  Rystad says it expects Japan and South Korea to
                         capex levels than O&G after 2030, as upstream  add most to sectoral growth in the second half of
                         O&G investment tails off.            the decade. With declining offshore O&G invest-
                           Offshore wind activity is surging in China,  ments, the crossing point is forecast to occur in
                         though the country will see investments decline  2028, said the analysis.™

       Week 45   10•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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