Page 4 - AsiaElec Week 45 2021
P. 4

AsiaElec                                      COMMENTARY                                             AsiaElec

       Offshore global wind spending

       to exceed oil and gas capex in

       key markets by 2030

        GLOBAL           OFFSHORE wind is closing the gap on oil and  $10bn will separate offshore ‘greenfield’ capex
                         gas (O&G) investments and is forecast to surpass  for O&G and offshore wind investments, with
                         them in “several key markets” by 2030, according  O&G investment remaining in the lead, said Flø-
                         to a new Rystad Energy analysis.     tre. Greenfield refers to new facilities, whereas
                           Indeed, offshore wind investment has already  brownfield, in O&G terminology, refers to
                         surpassed O&G in some nations that are leading  infrastructure that ties into an existing field, to
                         the pack in offshore wind – namely the UK and  increase production.
                         China.                                 While the global ‘crossing point’ is further
                           Anticipated growth in offshore wind invest-  out in time, countries and regions that priori-
                         ments will bring Europe, the United States and  tise offshore wind should see a gradual decline
                         the rest of Asia to the “tipping point” before the  in offshore O&G investment and the inevitable
                         end of the decade, says Oslo-based Rystad.  crossover sooner, said the analysis.
                           This is although oil and gas (O&G) invest-  China and the United Kingdom – the two
                         ments will still rise nominally during that  largest offshore wind nations in terms of oper-
                         timeframe.                           ational capacity – reached this crossing point
                           The analysis is important because of coun-  in 2017 and 2020 respectively. In the UK, the
                         tries’ ambitious policies to hasten renewable  offshore wind market is anticipated to remain
                         energy, including offshore wind, and reach cli-  larger than the offshore O&G market until 2030.
                         mate targets. That is the big driver of the trend,  It is currently the largest offshore wind market
                         Alexander Dobrowen Fløtre, offshore wind  globally. The UK’s oilfields in the North Sea
                         expert and vice president at Rystad, told Renew-  are mature, and many rigs have already been
                         able Energy News (REM).              decommissioned.
                           He noted how many oil and gas majors have   As the UK is targeting 40 GW of offshore
                         been transforming themselves into energy  wind capacity by 2030, activity levels are forecast
                         majors, while most recently during the pan-  to remain high, said Rystad.
                         demic they have been cutting O&G capex budg-  Europe – including the UK – is expected to be
                         ets while shielding renewables budgets.  the world’s largest offshore wind region by 2030,
                           Fløtre also noted that there are more sites for  with 119 GW of capacity. The crossing point is
                         offshore wind, compared with those for onshore  predicted for 2026. Offshore wind investments
                         renewables projects, and that offshore wind can  in Denmark, a pioneer in offshore wind despite
                         be developed at scale, with larger turbines, larger  its early projects being small, are expected to out-
                         projects and higher wind speeds.     strip O&G as soon as next year.
                           The analysis comes as negotiators are meeting   In Europe, investment levels in offshore
                         in Glasgow for the UN climate talks known as  wind have been high for some time, making it
                         COP26. Increased use of renewable energy and  the world’s most mature offshore wind region
                         decreased use of fossil fuels is seen as a corner-  with 25.7 GW of operational capacity. With the
                         stone of the world not exceeding a 1.5-degrees  decline in offshore O&G investment and capex
                         Celsius increase of temperature compared with  budget cuts by exploration and production O&G
                         pre-industrial levels, which is necessary to avoid  companies during the pandemic, offshore wind
                         the worst impacts of climate change, according  and offshore O&G capex levels are projected
                         to experts.                          nearly to intersect in 2022.
                           Rystad said it expects global offshore O&G   However, in Europe, O&G will have a slight
                         expenditure to increase marginally to over  recovery as the continent’s economy recovers in
                         $140bn by 2030, WHY? while the rapidly grow-  a post-pandemic world, paired with a temporary
                         ing offshore wind sector is forecast to reach a  slowdown in offshore wind investment growth
                         market size of $87bn globally over the same  due to project timing. So Europe’s crossing point
                         period – a 70% increase compared with 2021’s  is not anticipated to occur before 2026.
                         market value of $50bn.                 From then on, the offshore wind and offshore
                           Estimates show that by 2030, less than  O&G markets are expected to “part [the] ways”

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   10•November•2021
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