Page 4 - FSUOGM Week 09 2021
P. 4

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Germany, Russia eye

       hydrogen alliance

       The strong energy partnership between Germany and

       Russia is set to undergo significant change

        RUSSIA           GERMANY and Russia are looking to enhance  abundant untapped reserves of natural gas that
                         their energy relationship by establishing new ties  can be converted into so-called blue hydro-
       WHAT:             in hydrogen technology.              gen through processes such as steam methane
       Germany wants to secure   Germany is Russia’s largest gas customer,  reforming. CO2 emissions from the process
       hydrogen supplies from   while Russia is Germany’s biggest natural gas  can be stored underground, potentially in some
       Russia.           supplier. But this relationship is set to undergo  of the larger depleted oil and gas reservoirs in
                         change, as Germany and other European coun-  Siberia.
       WHY:              tries look to decarbonise their economies.  Russia could also supply green hydrogen
       Russia has substantial   One decarbonisation solution is hydrogen,  to Europe, if it makes better use of its huge but
       natural gas that could be   which can be used to power industry currently  under-exploited wind and solar resources.
       converted to hydrogen,   fuelled by natural gas. Germany’s government   Russia and Germany share a direct pipeline
       and the Nord Stream 1   last summer set aside €7bn ($8.4bn) in financial  connection, the 55bn cubic metre per year Nord
       and 2 could play a role in   support for domestic production of so-called  Stream 1 pipeline, and the launch of the Nord
       delivering the fuel.  green hydrogen, produced through electrolysis  Stream 2 would double capacity to 110 bcm per
                         from water, with the process powered by renew-  year. These pipelines could be converted to carry
       WHAT NEXT:        able energy. But German authorities have also  hydrogen, or could continue supplying gas for
       Gazprom, Novatek and   recognised that hydrogen imports will be nec-  producing hydrogen in northern Germany.
       Rosatom are seen as   essary to meet the country’s needs, allocating a
       the main candidates for   further €2bn to help establish partnerships with  Hydrogen ties
       helping Russia establish   other countries.            German gas firm Wintershall Dea is continu-
       itself as a hydrogen   Germany has reached out to a number of  ing consultations with its Russian partner Gaz-
       exporter.         potential hydrogen suppliers, as far afield as  prom on options to convert some Russian gas to
                         Australia and Canada. But its main focus has  hydrogen on arrival in Germany, Wintershall
                         been establishing partnerships with Russia in  board member Thilo Wieland said in a confer-
                         this field.                          ence call on February 25. The two companies are
                           This is a logical partnership. Russia has  also discussing ways to transport hydrogen in a

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