Page 6 - FSUOGM Week 09 2021
P. 6

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Rosneft details 2035

       carbon goals

       The strategy's unveiling comes after Rosneft

       formed a carbon management with its largest

       foreign shareholder BP last month

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA'S largest oil producer Rosneft has pre-
                         sented its 2035 Carbon Management Plan to
       WHAT:             investors and analysts, targeting a 30% reduction
       Rosneft has presented   in upstream emissions.
       a 15-year carbon    The state-owned company is also aiming to
       management plan.  prevent 20mn tonnes of CO2 equivalent (e) in
                         future greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while
       WHY:              lowering its existing emissions, which totalled
       ESG ratings are quickly   81mn tonnes of CO2e in 2019. It wants to cut
       becoming a required   flaring of associated petroleum gas (APG) to
       focus for international   zero and develop natural CO2 sinks.
       investment managers.  The unveiling of the strategy comes after
                         Rosneft last month signed a collaboration agree-
       WHAT NEXT:        ment with one of its shareholders BP on working
       The plan remains high-  together to address their environmental impact.
       level, and so some more   Both companies are under pressure from cli-
       intermediate targets are   mate-conscious investors and buyers.  Markets commented on March 2, seeing the
       expected.           Rosneft expects to make these gains largely  news as positive and reiterating a Buy call on
                         through its energy efficiency programme, as  Rosneft shares.
                         well as by utilising more of its gas, reinjecting   "With  ESG  issues  quickly  becoming  a
                         APG, purchasing renewable energy, develop-  required focus for international investment
                         ing wind power and establishing blue hydrogen  managers, we consider this a positive event for
                         production.                          the stock," BCS GM analysts wrote.
                           The discussion of potential wind power pro-  Sova Capital noted that Rosneft has already
                         jects at Rosneft's major Arctic project Vostok Oil  started work on becoming greener, with it hav-
                         is ongoing. "Vostok Oil in general might be quite  ing spent RUB120bn on green investments over
                         favourable for Rosneft's carbon footprint, as the  the last three years, and affirmed a Buy call on
                         company is developing it using best practices,"  Rosneft's shares.
                         VTB Capital (VTBC) commented on March 2.  Sova analysts expect more details on the
                           Rosneft also mentioned the potential bene-  company's ESG strategy to be announced in the
                         ficial effect of Russian forests (which can poten-  future, along with the interim goals for GHG
                         tially act as a carbon sink for 1.1-5.9bn tonnes of  reduction and further details on the develop-
                         CO2) as well as its own reforestation programme  ment of Vostok Oil.
                         (10-20mn tonnes per year (tpy) in potential   Rosneft is ranked number 16 in the latest RA
                         offset).                             Expert Russian corporate ESG ranking, a new
                           The energy-saving programme had already  list that analyses the ESG scores of the major
                         helped achieve 6.4mn tonnes of energy and  Russian corporations. It ranks best on the envi-
                         RUB39bn ($529mn) of cost savings in 2014-20,  ronment (7) and worst on corporate governance
                         Rosneft said.                        (27).
                           While VTBC analysts welcome more details   In this environment a comprehensive ESG
                         on the 2035 Carbon programme, they note it  agenda is a logical next step for Rosneft, which
                         "remains quite high-level at this point, so some  has been working hard on improving its invest-
                         intermediate targets might be anticipated, given  ment appeal. In 2018 the company pushed a
                         the increasing importance of ecology-related  broad investment makeover, when it pledged
                         factors for oil and gas companies’ investment  to cut debt, rein in its investment programme
                         cases."                              and shed non-profitable assets. The company
                           "Rosneft’s call on its carbon management  also raised its dividend payout to 50% of IFRS
                         plans was timely and detailed," BCS Global  profit. ™

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