Page 18 - AfrOil Week 02 2021
P. 18

AfrOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                              AfrOil

       ReconAfrica spuds first

       well in deep Kavango Basin

       Reconnaissance Energy Africa (ReconAfrica)
       has commenced drilling operations on the first
       well (6-2), of an initial three well program, in the
       deep Kavango Basin in the Kalahari Desert of
       North-East Namibia.
         With the Company owned and operated
       1,000 HP rig (Jarvie-1), we are now drilling
       ahead to a planned 12,500 feet (3,810 metres)
       total depth (TD) to evaluate potential hydrocar-
       bon systems in one of five major sub-basins of
       the larger, more laterally extensive, Permian aged
       Kavango basin.
         The first prospective section of the well is  actively drilling and completing wells for many  (Exploration Licence 001/2020) in the Kavango
       designed to reach 4,800 feet (1,460 metres) in  years,” said Nick Steinsberger, SVP of Drilling  sedimentary basin, Botswana.
       depth where intermediate casing will be set.  and Completions. “I anticipate the first well will   ReconAfrica recognises and accepts the
       Sidewall cores and well logs will be run from an  take up to 45 days to reach total depth and initial  importance of pertinent cultural and historical
       interval of 1,000 feet (300 metres) to 4,800 feet  analysis of all prospective productive targets.”  sites. As such the Tsodilo Hills, located in north-
       (1,460 metres) to identify conventional targets.   Dan Jarvie, ReconAfrica’s geochemist, said:  west Botswana near the Namibian Border, a
       The well prognosis provides for reaching the top  “This important three-well drilling programme  UNESCO World Heritage Site, has always been
       of the Permian section at approximately 4,000  will provide ReconAfrica an initial assessment  recognised by the Company, as a site with this
       feet (1,220 metres).                of the various Permian-age potential petroleum  specific, highly important designation.
         The second section of the well is designed to  systems such as [those] found in the age-equiv-  To this regard, ReconAfrica and the Govern-
       reach a TD of 12,500 feet (3,810 metres) drill-  alent Permian basin in Texas and Karoo basin  ment of Botswana began a process in October of
       ing through the intermediate to lower Permian  in South Africa. Geological and geochemical  2020 to address this important issue. As a direct
       sections. While drilling the lower sections the  analysis will provide details on potential, stacked  result of their collaborative process, the Republic
       Company will take whole core and conduct a  conventional reservoirs as well as multiple petro-  of Botswana has now issued an updated Licence
       full logging suite of all zones of interest (conven-  leum source rocks. Petroleum source rock and  to ReconAfrica excluding ReconAfrica’s entire
       tional targets and source rocks). A comprehen-  stratigraphic analysis will provide the Company  Core and Buffer areas of the Tsodilo Hills. The
       sive state of the art logging program over both  with a basis for assessing the timing of light oil  License area is now 8,990 square km (2.221mn
       sections will be provided by Schlumberger.  generation, its expulsion and migration to con-  acres) versus the previous 9,921 square km
         The 6-2 well will be drilled with water-based  ventional reservoirs for future production.”  (2.45mn acres).
       drilling fluid providing ideal samples (cuttings   Community: With the first successful com-  ReconAfrica is pleased with this preferred
       and core) to be utilised to determine a range of  munity water well now in operation, ReconAf-  structure as the Company has never had plans
       petroleum properties and locations for future  rica is engaged with the appropriate authorities  for operations in the Tsodilo Hills area. Recon-
       exploration and production wells.   in drilling three additional community water  Africa follows strict environment, social and
         In keeping with the Company’s policy of  wells. We are currently in the process of iden-  governance protocols.
       implementing environmental best practices,  tifying optimum well locations for community   ReconAfrica is committed to establishing
       ReconAfrica is working with Valence Drilling  members who are the most in need of access to  operational transparency and working with all
       Fluids, a North American company that pro-  safe drinking water.         local and national stakeholders. In all aspects
       vides all organic and biodegradable drilling   We continue with ongoing engagement and  of its operations, ReconAfrica is committed to
       fluids which are fully environmentally safe, for  meetings with our stakeholders as well as hir-  minimal disturbances in line with international
       many aspects, including topsoil enhancement  ing local and national experts, procuring prod-  best standards and will implement environmen-
       and development.                    ucts and services in the region and throughout  tal and social best practices in all of its project
         “We welcome the opportunity to work along-  Namibia. ReconAfrica is committed to a respon-  areas.
       side ReconAfrica on this project as they are a  sible approach to our business and we demon-  Wood Mackenzie, one of the world’s leading
       company that understands the importance of  strate this by our actions.  natural resources research and consulting firms,
       environmental protection with proven results,”   ReconAfrica, January 12 2021  has released a report on analogous subsurface
       stated Gareth Eckhout, VP of Valence Drilling                            basins to the Kavango Basin, which is held by
       Fluids.                             Botswana, ReconAfrica                ReconAfrica under licence contracts. The study
         “Drilling the first three wells in a newly dis-                        detailed three world-class basins of similar age
       covered Permian basin, where one company   amend exploration licence     and/or tectonic origin; the Midland-Permian
       holds all of the rights, is certainly a rare oppor-                      Basin (Texas), the Southern North Sea Basin,
       tunity. There are many important similarities   to exclude Tsodilo Hills area  and the Doba Basin in Chad (Africa). The report
       between the Kavango basin and the Permian                                demonstrates how the Kavango Basin is analo-
       Basin in West Texas, one of the world’s most  Reconnaissance Energy Africa (ReconAfrica)  gous to all three, but particularly to the sizable
       prolific producing basins, where I have been  has provided an update on its Petroleum Licence  Midland Basin.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 02   13•January•2021
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