Page 20 - AfrOil Week 02 2021
P. 20

AfrOil                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                             AfrOil

       COMPANIES                           EVENTS                               interest in Ghana’s electricity, gas-to-power and
                                                                                oil projects in 2021.
       LEKOIL makes                        AOP brings European                  gas, is the cornerstone of Africa’s re-emergence
                                                                                  “Energy, in all its forms including oil and
       announcement on                     finance, African power, E&P          from COVID. We believe that now is the time
                                                                                for African companies and governments to look
       appointment of chairman             deals to table in June 2021          again at their European partnerships and to
                                                                                push forward with deals that power their econ-
       LEKOIL, the oil and gas exploration and produc-  Africa Oil & Power will host Francophone Afri-  omies,” said AOP’s Managing Director Renée
       tion company with a focus on Nigeria and West  can government delegations and European  Montez-Avinir.
       Africa, announces that following the resignation  financiers at the first AOP Investor Forum to   “The energy transition and the future funding
       of Mark Simmonds, the Board has appointed  be held in Paris; the event is entirely dedicated  of African oil and gas projects, plus Europe’s role
       Michael Ajukwu as Chairman with immediate  to getting major commitments committed and  in African investment going forward, will be at
       effect.                             signed between European investors and African  the heart of our discussions at the Paris inves-
         Michael Ajukwu commented: “I am hon-  companies and governments; the event will pro-  tor forum. Oil and gas will continue to play an
       oured to assume the position of Chairman of  mote continued synergy between petroleum and  important part in Africa’s energy mix and eco-
       LEKOIL and would like to thank my predeces-  renewables actors and will drive a new positive  nomic expansion,” she continued.
       sor, Mark Simmonds, for his contributions to the  narrative aiming to balance African develop-  Africa Oil & Power looks forward to wel-
       Company. I look forward to working with my  ment needs, climate goals and economic growth  coming major international oil companies,
       colleagues on the Board and the management of  in Africa.                institutional investors and private equity firms
       LEKOIL to deliver a high performing company   African energy deals are on the table at the  to take part in the forum. AOP will make details
       anchored on strong governance structures that  AOP Investor Forum: Paris 2021 on June 16-18.  of projects and deals available to its network in
       produces value for all shareholders.”  Africa Oil & Power, the continent’s leading plat-  advance of the conference, and expects multiple
       LEKOIL, January 11 2021             form for investment in energy, will hold a two-  agreements to be signed at the event itself. Join
                                           day event where European investors are invited  Africa’s and Europe’s leading investors at the
       LEKOIL responds to                  to participate in deals that will drive Africa’s  AOP Investor Forum: Paris 2021 on June 16-18
                                                                                and visit to find
                                           growth post-COVID.
       press speculation                   egal, home to West African renewables and gas   further updates.
                                              Participants in the forum will include: Sen-
                                                                                  Africa Oil & Power invites finance institu-
       about Metallon                      megaprojects, and recipient of a record $983mn  tions, E&P firms, power companies and service
                                                                                providers to express their interest in taking part
                                           in FDI in 2019; Côte d’Ivoire, the leading econ-
       LEKOIL, the oil and gas exploration and produc-  omy in Francophone West Africa, looking to oil  in the forum, and in meeting the government
       tion company with a focus on Nigeria and West  and gas for further growth; Niger, with a new  delegations of the abovementioned countries,
       Africa, notes the recent local press speculation  government in place and a pipeline planned to  by getting in contact with João Gaspar Marques,
       in relation to a letter received by the Company  Benin, Niger is emerging as a Sahelian energy  International Conference Director.
       from the Honourable Minister of State of Petro-  hub; Mozambique, Africa’s future natural gas   Africa Oil & Power, January 06 2021
       leum Resources of Nigeria in connection with  megaproducer, with the $20bn Mozambique
       the prior acquisition of a significant sharehold-  LNG project FID approved and projects moving
       ing in the Company by Metallon Corp. and the  ahead fast; Nigeria, opportunities are available
       requirements that a significant change in share-  for European investors to partner with local
       holding be in adherence with the requirements  firms and build critical energy infrastructure
       of Nigerian Petroleum Act and related guidelines  in the continent’s largest market; Angola, a
       and procedures.                     reformed sector and political will are driving
         The Company confirms that it has notified  Angola’s post-COVID recovery, and Angola is
       Metallon of this matter and has advised Metal-  home to Africa’s largest offshore projects and is
       lon, as a matter of urgency, to liaise with the Fed-  holding a series of licensing rounds; Equatorial
       eral Ministry of Petroleum Resources in order to  Guinea, the Ministry of Mines and Hydrocar-
       resolve any issues arising from the acquisition of  bons seeks investors for its ambitious gas meg-
       Metallon’s shareholding.            ahub and continued gas development projects;
         In the event that Metallon’s acquisition of its  Gabon, the Central African oil producer has
       shareholding in the Company has not complied  reformed its sector in recent years, with a new
       with Nigerian legislation and, in the absence of  petroleum code in 2019 and a licensing round
       any suitable remedial action, sanctions (which  ongoing from 2018 to 2020; Uganda, likely to
       ultimately can include Licence revocation) could  become East Africa’s next oil producer, Uganda’s
       be imposed directly on the Company by the  Lake Albert region has attracted great attention
       Ministry of Petroleum Resources.    and will complete its national elections in Janu-
         The Company will provide an update on the  ary; South Sudan, celebrating a decade of inde-
       matter in due course.               pendence this year, South Sudan has invested
         The requisite EGM, which will be held at  in power projects and is open to new entrants
       10:00 a.m. (GMT) on January 8, 2021, will pro-  in renewables and petroleum, and a licensing
       ceed as planned.                    round is set to be held soon; Ghana, a stable envi-
       LEKOIL, January 08 2021             ronment and strong track record will promote

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 02   13•January•2021
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