Page 59 - UKRRptDec22
P. 59

     defences are improving daily, as well as the experience and skill of DTEK’s technicians. He added that widespread power cuts are necessary to keep the power grid from over-loading and allow for repairs to be made, but noted that the chances for a total black-out remain low.
Electricity deficit at 20% in Ukraine a week after the latest Russian attack at the end of November. Days after fifth Russian attack against Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, state grid operator Ukrenergo said that electricity producers cover almost 80% of consumption needs.
Ukrenergo: Ukraine to import electricity from EU. “Special mechanisms are needed to guarantee these imports since the price of electricity in Europe is higher than in Ukraine,” said Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, board head of Ukraine’s state grid operator Ukrenergo.
Ukraine and Poland will develop cross-border energy infrastructure. As Deputy Minister of Energy Yaroslav Demchenkov emphasized, Ukraine is interested in cooperation with Poland to develop trade in electricity and restore the infrastructure for its transmission. It will help ensure energy independence and greater energy system stability for the entirety of Europe. According to the minister, it is essential to make maximum efforts to restore the cross-border Khmelnytskyi - Rzeszów power transmission line. This project will play a significant role in the expansion of commercial electricity exchange. Deputy Minister Mykola Kolisnyk particularly noted the need to resist the energy blackmail of the Russian Federation and further reduce dependence on Russian fossil fuels. “It is essential for us to develop cross-border cooperation in the oil and gas sector, in particular, the construction of the Brody-Adamovo oil pipeline and the establishment of cooperation in oil refining.”
The State energy company is testing electricity imports from Romania.
The State Energy Company of Ukraine plans to carry out a test of the process of importing electricity from Romania, said the company's CEO, Vitaly Butenko. Butenko said that the ECU has already started testing electricity imports from Europe. In particular, it is planned to conduct another test from Romania because previous tests were from Slovakia. Butenko explained that the European electricity supplies are not commercial but simply a test. They are necessary to ensure the technical capacity of the energy system to accommodate imports in case of need. According to the general director of the ECU, Ukraine can now import 500-600 MW of electricity, which is about half of Kyiv's consumption needs. However, due to the difference in electricity prices between Europe and Ukraine, commercial imports will require financial support.
Ukraine has a two-year supply of nuclear fuel and plans to start its production. According to the President of Energoatom, Petro Kotin, the company is working with Westinghouse to create a production line of its fuel based on their technologies. The production of heads and shanks of fuel cartridges, which the American company has licensed, has already been established. Energoatom will produce half of its needs, and Westinghouse will supply the other half. Since the beginning of the war, Ukraine has stopped buying Russian nuclear fuel. Currently, Energoatom plans to switch all power units in Ukrainian nuclear power plants to Westinghouse fuel.
  The damage caused to Ukraine's infrastructure since February can be
 59 UKRAINE Country Report December 2022

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