Page 6 - AfrElec Week 03 2021
P. 6

AfrElec                                       COMMENTARY                                              AfrElec

       IEA calls for urgent action to

       cut methane emissions

       The IEA has called on companies, governments and regulators to reduce
       methane emissions from the oil and gas sector, writes Richard Lockhart

        GLOBAL           METHANE emissions from the global oil and   As such, there is clearly a risk that this down-
                         gas industry fell by an estimated 10% in 2020 as  ward trend will be reversed by an increase in
       WHAT:             producers slashed output in response to the his-  production to fuel a rebound in global economic
       Global methane    toric shock of the coronavirus (COVID-19) cri-  activity.
       emissions fell by 10%   sis, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said.
       in 2020             However, the IEA warned that these emis-  No resurgence
                         sions could rebound strongly without greater  “The immediate task now for the oil and gas
       WHY:              action by companies, policy makers and  industry is to make sure that there is no resur-
       Oil and gas producers   regulators.                    gence in methane emissions, even as the world
       slashed output as   Methane is a much more potent greenhouse  economy recovers, and that 2019 becomes their
       demand fell because of   gas (GHG) than the more widely known carbon  historical peak. There is no good reason to allow
       the pandemic      dioxide (CO2) and makes a major contribution  these harmful leaks to continue, and there is
                         to global warming.                   every reason for responsible operators to ensure
       WHAT NEXT:          The IEA said this week in its 2021 update of  that they are addressed,” said Dr Fatih Birol, the
       With methane production   its Methane Tracker that oil and gas operations  IEA Executive Director.
       set to rise after the   worldwide emitted more than 70mn tonnes of   “Alongside ambitious efforts to decarbonise
       pandemic, regulators   methane into the atmosphere in 2020.  our economies, early action on methane emis-
       and government must   This is broadly equivalent to the total ener-  sions will be critical for avoiding the worst effects
       strengthen their efforts to   gy-related CO2 emissions from the entire Euro-  of climate change. There has never been a greater
       reduce emissions  pean Union.                          sense of urgency about this issue than there is
                           The new IEA analysis indicates that a large  today, said Dr Birol.
                         part of the drop in methane emissions in 2020   “To help accelerate these efforts, the IEA is
                         occurred not because companies were taking  today releasing a ‘how-to’ guide that govern-
                         more care to avoid methane leaks from their  ments and regulators can use to bring down
                         operations, but simply because they were pro-  methane emissions from oil and gas operations.”
                         ducing less oil and gas.               The IEA’s analysis highlighted that reducing

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