Page 18 - bne IntelliNews Georgia country report October 2017
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4.3    Fixed   investment
Georgia   -Fixed   capital   investment 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Gross   fixed   investment   capital   formation    (local   currency)
6,368.00 7,575.39 6,652.91 8,688.85 10,004.33 10,999.8
Gross   fixed   capital   formation   (%   of   GDP)
22.49% 24.83% 21.95% 25.85% 28.44% 30.40%
Source:   CEIC
Georgia   loan recipients   get   over €100mn   from   IFIs for   infrastructure, private   sector
FMO,   the   Dutch   development   bank,   and   the   German   Investment   and Development   Corporation   (DEG)   are   to   lend   €65mn   to   Georgia's state-owned   water   company,   reported   on   August   16   following   a signing   ceremony   between   the   state-owned   company   and   the   development lenders.
Georgia   Water   &   Power   (GWP)   supplies   water   to   the   residents   of   the   Georgian capital   of   Tbilisi,   treats   wastewater   and   generates   hydropower   at   two   plants   - Zhinvali   and   Tetrikhevi.
GWP   also   signed   an   agreement   with   the   World   Bank's   private-sector   arm,   the International   Finance   Corporation   (IFC),   to   enhance   its   water   efficiency,   overall environmental   performance   and   competitiveness.
In   a   separate   report,   said   that   another   World   Bank   affiliate,    the International   Bank   for   Reconstruction   and   Development   (IBRD),   signed an   agreement   with   the   Georgian   government   for   a   €44.6mn   line   of   credit to   support   the   country's   business-oriented   reforms    and   the competitiveness   of   the   private   sector.
4.4    Labour   and   income
4.4.1    Unemployment,   income   dynamics
Unemployment   at 12%   in   2016
Unemployment   is   an   important   challenge   for   Georgia,   where   11.8%   of   the population   was   unemployed   at   the   end   of   2016.    Of   those   who   were employed,   57.5%   were   self-employed,   many   believed   to   be   working   in agriculture   and   to   experience   underemployment   as   a   result.
Georgia’s   monthly   average   gross   salary   rose   by   5.4%   y/y   to   GEL1,065.92 at   end-2016.    The   monthly   average   salary   stood   at   GEL989.40   in   the   first quarter   of   this   year,   up   8.4%   y/y.
18       GEORGIA  Country  Report   October  2017                                                                                                                                                                                   

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