Page 20 - bne IntelliNews Georgia country report October 2017
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5.0    External   Sector   &   Trade
5.1    Balance   of   payments,   current   account
Georgia   -   External   Trade 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Jan-Aug 2017(e)
External   trade   turnover   ($   mn)
9,259 10,433 10,933 11,463 9,505 9,407 6,618
Export   (FOB)   ($   mn)
2,186 2,377 2,910 2,861 2,205 2,113 1,683
Import   (CIF)   ($   mn)
7,072 8,056 8,023 8,602 7,300 7,294 4,935
Balance   ($   mn)
-4,886 -5,680 -5,112 -5,741 -5,096 -5,181 -3,253
Export   excluding   re-export   ($   mn)
1,693 1,606 1,812 1,873 1,637 1,657 1,322
Current   account   BPM6   ($   mn)
-1,842.23 -1,852.96 -934.7 -1,763.62 -1,684.3 -1,934.88 -372.72* (1Q17)
Current   account   to   GDP   (%)
-12.8% -11.7% -5.8% -10.7% -12% -13.3% /
Source:   Geostat,   CEIC
5.1.1    Import/export   dynamics
Georgian   foreign trade   expands   in Jan-Aug   thanks   to export   growth
Georgia's   foreign   trade   increased   by   12.2%   y/y   to   $6.6bn   in January-August   thanks   to   a   28.5%   y/y   uptake   in   exports   to   $1.6bn, national   statistics   agency   Geostat   reported   on   September   19.
20       GEORGIA  Country  Report   October  2017                                                                                                                                                                      

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