Page 22 - bne IntelliNews Georgia country report October 2017
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Turkey,   two   of   the   largest   sources   of   remittances.
Russia   accounted   for   a   third   of   total   remittances   sent   in   July,   followed   distantly by   the   US   with   $12.7mn,   Italy   ($12.1mn),   Greece   ($10.6mn),   Israel   ($10.5mn) and   Turkey   ($9.3mn).
5.1.4    Gross   international   reserves
Gross   international   reserves   in   Georgia   amounted   to   GEL2,915.22mn   in August,    down   marginally   from   GEL2,938.36mn   m/m   and   GEL2,888.48mn   a year   ago.
5.2    FDI
Georgia   -   FDI 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 H1   2017
FDI   ($   mn)
814.5 1,117.2 911.6 941.9 1,758.4 1,564.5 1,565.9 751
FDI   (%   of   GDP)
7.47 7.51 5.25 5.93 10.6 11.23 11.69
Source:   bne   IntelliNews,   Geostat,   CEIC
Georgia’s   FDI   slides 5.5%   y/y   in   H1
Georgia’s   incoming   foreign   direct   investment   (FDI)   slid   5.5%   y/y   in   the first   half   of   2017   to   $751mn,   down   from   $794.4mn   a   year   ago,    according   to preliminary   statistics   office   data   released   on   September   12.
Poised   to   grow   by   4%   in   2017,   the   Georgian   economy   has   attracted   more   FDI in   recent   years   in   comparison   to   neighbouring   countries   thanks   to   higher overall   GDP   growth,   business-friendly   policies   and   the   development   of   sectors like   gas   transit,   real   estate,   transport   and   tourism.
Second-quarter   FDI   was   $346.6mn,   retreating   from   $404.3mn   in   Q2   2016   and $404.4mn   in   Q1   2017.
22       GEORGIA  Country  Report   October  2017                                                                                                                                                                      

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