Page 18 - GLNG Week 43 2020
P. 18

GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              GLNG

       ASIA                                of the IGC Code and IRClass Rules for Gas   Kurushima Dockyard based on NYK’s intent,
                                           carriers.                            ClassNK has carried out the verification
       Indian Register of Shipping         improved infrastructure in India, the   for the vessel installing cutting-edge digital
                                             With strong government support and
                                                                                technology in line with the Guidelines. On
       classes first Indian owned          prospects for natural gas are expected to   the satisfactory completion of document/
                                           rise significantly to meet growing energy
                                                                                plan examination and on-site survey, ClassNK
       LNG-FSRU for Triumph                demands in the country. This is also in line   has added “DSS (EE)” for energy efficiency
                                                                                analysis function, “DSS (MM)” for machinery
                                           with the Indian government vision to build
       Offshore                            a gas-based economy and increase the share   monitoring, “DSS (CNS)” for onboard data
                                                                                processing and data transmission to shore for
                                           of natural gas in the primary energy mix to
       Indian Register of Shipping (IRClass), an   15% by 2030, up from 6% today. This will also   the notation of “SAKURA LEADER”.
       international ship classification society, has   contribute towards IMO’s aim of reducing   CLASSNK, October 28, 2020
       classed India’s first LNG-FSRU (Floating   GHG emissions.
       Storage Regasification Unit) marking a   INDIAN REGISTER OF SHIPPING, October 28,   ExxonMobil, Hai
       milestone in India’s energy shift towards   2020
       natural gas. Constructed at Hyundai Shipyard                             Phong City and JERA
       in Ulsan, South Korea, the 180,000 cubic   ClassNK has granted its
       metre FSRU which is flagged in India, is                                 sign memorandum
       designed for continuous operations without   first “Digital Smart Ship”
       the need for drydocking over a period of                                 of understanding for
       20 years. The unit is assigned class notation   (DSS) notation for LNG-
       for 20 years extended interval between                                   integrated LNG-to-power
       successive dry-dockings and complies with   fuelled PCTC “SAKURA
       the requirements of IRClass Rules and Indian                             project in Vietnam
       Flag for this purpose. The unit is owned by   LEADER”
       Triumph Offshore Pvt Ltd., a wholly owned                                ExxonMobil Hai Phong Energy Pte Ltd
       subsidiary of Swan Energy Ltd, an India-based  Leading Classification Society ClassNK   (EMPHE), Hai Phong People’s Committee
       listed company.                     has granted its “Digital Smart Ship” (DSS)   and Japan power generation company
         The vessel can operate in two distinct   notation for “SAKURA LEADER”, LNG-  JERA have signed a Memorandum of
       modes – LNG Carrier Mode and Floating   fuelled PCTC which was ordered to Shin   Understanding (MOU) to work together on a
       Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) mode.   Kurushima Dockyard by NYK Line. The   potential integrated LNG to Power project in
       This allows the utilisation of a FSRU   vessel is marked with the first “DSS” on its   Hai Phong.
       for receiving LNG from LNG carriers,   notation in ClassNK’s registry.     ExxonMobil, the Hai Phong city
       regasification of the LNG and sending it out.  As a part of the society’s new initiative,   government and JERA have agreed to expand
         The vessel complies with the recently   “Innovation Endorsement”, aiming to certify   on their strong cooperation and exchange of
       updated Rules of IRClass applicable for   innovations utilizing digital technology,   expertise to jointly study natural gas market
       LNG carriers provided with regasification   ClassNK released its “Guidelines for Digital   development opportunities, including LNG
       systems and takes into account various risks   Smart Ship”, which stipulates the procedures   import facilities and gas-fired power plants.
       associated with such systems by appropriate   for class notations for ships with advanced   ExxonMobil has submitted a master
       risk control measures. The updated IRClass   digital technology.         plan application with a project concept for
       Main Rules for Seagoing ships, covers the   The vessel is the first LNG-fuelled PCTC   consideration and potential inclusion in
       requirements for regasification systems in a   built in Japan and delivered on October 28,   Vietnam’s National Power Development
       separate chapter addressing various aspects   2020. NYK has announced that “Beginning   Plan (PDP). Hai Phong City has submitted a
       such as systems design, fire safety, emergency   with this ship, NYK will proceed with the   letter of recommendation to include power
       shutdown arrangements, survey and testing   replacement of vessels in its PCTC fleet with   demand with potential locations of power
       requirements etc. The vessel has also been   next-generation eco-friendly ship.”  plants and LNG import infrastructure. The
       verified with respect to the requirements   Having received the application from Shin   project submissions are pending government
                                                                                  LNG-fuelled power in Hai Phong will
                                                                                provide a more environmentally friendly
                                                                                alternative to the currently proposed coal
                                                                                projects in the master plan.
                                                                                  “Hai Phong is industrialising at a fast
                                                                                pace, with an annual growth rate of over 20%.
                                                                                Therefore, our annual power consumption is
                                                                                growing and is expected to double between
                                                                                2020 and 2030,” said Nguyen Van Tung,
                                                                                chairman, Hai Phong People’s Committee.
                                                                                “Hai Phong City is pleased to collaborate with
                                                                                ExxonMobil and JERA to provide a clean
                                                                                energy resource for Vietnam in Hai Phong

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   30•October•2020
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