Page 17 - GLNG Week 43 2020
P. 17

GLNG                                        MIDDLE EAST                                               GLNG

       Snam to develop LNG for vehicles in Israel

        PIPELINES &      ITALIAN gas grid firm Snam has struck deals  and research agreement with Israeli start-up
        TRANSPORT        with Israeli firms on the use of LNG and other  H2Pro, which has developed an “innovative”
                         alternative fuels in Israel’s transport sector.  technology known as E-TAC for producing
                           Snam signed one agreement with the coun-  green hydrogen. H2Pro claims the technology
                         try’s largest gas supplier Delek Drilling and its  can yield 30% more hydrogen from water than
                         main public transport provider Dan on develop-  traditional electrolysis. Snam and H2Pro will
                         ing a supply chain for using LNG as a transport  carry out joint research, and may apply H2Pro’s
                         fuel in Israel, particularly for buses and heavy  technologies at projects and take part in project
                         vehicles.                            tenders both in Israel and in Europe.
                           The group will carry out feasibility studies on   “With these agreements we are further
                         building a small-scale liquefaction pilot plant  developing Snam’s international presence to
                         and LNG refuelling infrastructure, leveraging  strengthen our contribution to the energy tran-
                         Snam’s technologies and Delek’s gas reserves.  sition and the achievement of global climate
                         Delek operates a number of onshore and offshore  objectives,” Snam CEO Marco Alvera com-
                         gas licences in Israel. Its largest projects are the  mented. “The partnerships with Delek Drilling,
                         Leviathan and Tamar fields in the Mediterranean  Dan and H2Pro ... allow us to enter a new mar-
                         Sea.                                 ket with projects in sectors of our interest such
                           Snam also signed a memorandum of under-  as sustainable mobility and hydrogen and, at the
                         standing (MoU) with Dan on evaluating the  same time, to increase our know-how in one of
                         use of biomethane, green hydrogen and elec-  the most innovative contexts in the world.”
                         tricity in transport. The deal could pave the way   Israel wants to ban the sale of new gasoline
                         for the conversion of some of Dan’s vehicles  and diesel-powered vehicles after 2030, replac-
                         to run on these energy sources, as well as the  ing them with gas-fuelled and electric cars and
                         development of pilot refuelling and recharging  trucks. And thanks to major offshore discoveries
                         infrastructure.                      over the past decade, it now has more gas than it
                           Finally, the Italian firm signed a collaboration  can use or readily export.™

       QP selects Honeywell as instrument and

       control contractor for LNG expansion

        PROJECTS &       QATAR Petroleum (QP) has selected Honeywell  alarm management and plant operation infor-
        COMPANIES        to be the main instrument and control contrac-  mation systems. In addition, its cybersecurity
                         tor for its North Field East (NFE) project. The  technology and services will be used to help
                         project is being developed by Qatargas on QP’s  safeguard the project infrastructure.
                         behalf to underpin Qatar’s expansion of lique-  Honeywell also said its Industrial Internet of
                         faction capacity by 43% from 77mn tonnes per  Things-enabled Lean Execution for Automa-
                         year to 110mn tpy.                   tion Projects (LEAP) methodology would be
                           The project entails the development of four  deployed. The LEAP approach provides more
                         new LNG mega-trains as well as associated facil-  predictable construction costs and enables
                         ities. Production from the expansion is due to  remote project engineering from anywhere in
                         start in 2025.                       the world, it added. Honeywell said it would
                           Honeywell said in an October 22 statement  implement smart junction boxes (SJB) technol-
                         that its technology would provide the NFE pro-  ogy for control and safety systems to reduce the
                         ject with “streamlined automation and safety  number of instrumentation cabinets compared
                         systems while reducing schedule risks and  with previous technologies. It expects this to
                         delivering [capital expenditure] efficiencies”. The  allow for faster project execution and reduced
                         company’s instrumentation and control systems  installation costs.
                         will be integrated into the NFE main control   “We’re delighted to play a central role in the
                         building in Ras Laffan Industrial City (RLIC)  largest and most ambitious LNG project in the
                         and instrument technical rooms (ITRs) will be  world,” stated Honeywell’s vice-president of
                         located throughout the process area, it said.  global strategic projects, Tarek Nahl. “Our tech-
                           The system will include Honeywell’s control  nologies will aid Qatargas in reaching its pro-
                         and safety solutions, operator training simula-  duction targets more efficiently while helping it
                         tion, multi-variable process control, pipelines  achieve its safety, reliability, security and profit-
                         management, instrument asset management,  ability metrics.”™

       Week 43   30•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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