Page 12 - GLNG Week 43 2020
P. 12

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

                         because the plant is close enough to the Carib-  source of power that will serve our community
                         bean to keep shipping costs low.     for many years.”
                           These savings are an important consideration
                         for Barbuda Ocean Club – and its owner, Dis-  Learning by example
                         covery Land Partners. This is a risky time to be  The success of this arrangement is not yet
                         launching a business that depends on travel and  assured.
                         tourism, both of which have taken a big hit this   For one thing, Eagle LNG has not yet made
                         year because of the coronavirus (COVID-19)  a final investment decision (FID) on the con-
                         pandemic. As such, the resort has good reasons  struction of the Jacksonville LNG plant. It is
                         to economise on fuel if it wants to maximise its  slated to do so before the end of the year, but
                         chances of success in the near term (and max-  it will not be able to commit fully to the supply
                         imise profit margins in the long term).  deal with Barbuda Ocean Club until it takes this
                         Environmental advantage               For another, Barbuda Ocean Club is not yet in
                         But cost is not the only consideration. Sean  a position to determine whether it will be able to
                         Lalani, the president of Eagle LNG, pointed out  ride out the pandemic-driven decline in travel
                         the environmental advantages of LNG.  and tourism. It may not even be able to make
                           “We are pleased to partner with Barbuda  a good guess on this front until infection rates
                         Ocean Club on this important project,” he was  drop and more information becomes available
                         quoted as saying in the October 26 statement.  on the timing and availability of vaccines and
                         “This project demonstrates our commitment  treatments for COVID-19.
                         to provide low-cost energy, which enables eco-  Assuming that these hurdles can be sur-
                         nomic growth and recovery in Barbuda and  mounted, though, the deal between the LNG
                         similar places. The Barbuda turn-key invest-  producer and the resort could serve as a tem-  Assuming that
                         ment is one of several turn-key solutions Eagle  plate for other Caribbean states looking for ways
                         LNG is developing in the Caribbean Basin for  to support the recovery of the tourism sector.   these hurdles can
                         utility and industrial clients. In providing low-  That is, it could serve as an example for other   be surmounted,
                         est-cost, fully integrated US natural gas solu-  resort facilities that are eager to keep costs down
                         tions, Eagle LNG is committed to a low-carbon  and to have a good answer for potential custom-  though, the deal
                         future.”                             ers concerned about their carbon footprints.
                           Likewise, Michael Meldman, the chairman   Certainly, Eagle LNG seems to hope that oth- between the LNG
                         and CEO of Discovery Land Partners, empha-  ers will learn from Barbuda Ocean Club’s expe-
                         sised that the choice of LNG over petroleum  rience. In the statement, Lalani stressed that his   producer and the
                         products had positive implications for the envi-  company was willing and able to supply other   resort could serve
                         ronment on Barbuda. “Partnering with Eagle  Caribbean customers with competitively priced
                         LNG is the best solution for our members as  fuel.                         as a template.
                         well as Barbuda as a whole,” he said. “We have   Eagle LNG’s operations have the potential to
                         made a major commitment to help the people  “[spur] economic recovery for the region as the
                         of Barbuda preserve the health and integrity of  world works to emerge from the COVID-19
                         the island’s natural environment. It’s a huge part  pandemic and [foster] closer ties between Flor-
                         of who we are and what Barbuda Ocean Club  ida and the United States and our neighbours
                         represents. Eagle LNG will allow us to provide  throughout the region,” he said. “We are pleased
                         dependable, sustainable electricity throughout  to be a leading energy developer in the region
                         our community while minimising the impact  and look forward to providing low-cost, flexible
                         upon the native environment. It’s a safe, clean  energy solutions to numerous other clients.”™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   30•October•2020
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