Page 15 - DMEA Week 45 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              FUELS                                especially of our youth in the fields of
                                                                                education, innovation, technology, and
       UN sanctions three Houthis  Fifth batch of Saudi oil                     economy. In 2018, GUtech took on hydrogen
                                                                                energy as a prime initiative. In 2019, GUtech
       over Marib offensive, Saudi  derivatives grant arrives in                held the first conference of its kind in Oman,
                                                                                the Oman Hydrogen Symposium with the
       attacks                             Aden                                 support of the Ministry of Oil and Gas and
                                                                                their German partners, Hydrogen Rise. The
       The United Nations Security Council has   The 5th batch of oil derivatives grant being   symposium made clear that Oman would
       blacklisted three Houthi rebels linked to   provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia   benefit a lot from the diversification of its
       cross-border attacks from Yemen into Saudi   via Saudi Development and Reconstruction   economy and the transition to renewable
       Arabia and to fighting in the government’s last   Program for Yemen (SDRPY) to the Republic   energy which can be utilized domestically or
       stronghold in the country’s north.  of Yemen has arrived at the port of Aden with   exported to other countries.
         In a statement on Wednesday, the United   quantities of 60,000 metric tons of diesel and   Since its creation, the focus of the Oman
       Kingdom said it proposed the sanctions   30,000 metric tons of fuel oil, with a total of   Hydrogen Center has been to provide
       because the Houthi attacks into Saudi Arabia   90,000 metric tons of Saudi oil derivatives   research and development, networking
       have killed and wounded civilians, while   amounting to 507,253 metric tons since the   communication, education and economic
       the Houthi offence in the central desert   start of the grant.           guidance to provide support in all Hydrogen
       city of Marib has sought to cut off access to   The Saudi oil derivatives grant comes   initiatives in the Sultanate of Oman. It has
       humanitarian aid and includes the use of child   in response to the request of the Yemeni   been successful in creating awareness about
       soldiers.                           government, in implementation of the   hydrogen energy in Oman, engaging with
         The three rebels added to the UN sanctions   directives of the Saudi leadership, and as an   stakeholders and creating a dialogue on
       blacklist are Houthi chief of general staff   extension of the support provided by the   hydrogen energy and green hydrogen. In
       Muhammad Abd Al-Karim Al-Ghamari,   Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Republic of   August this year GUtech along with other
       assistant defence minister Saleh Mesfer Saleh   Yemen in all fields.     major stakeholders signed and formed the
       Al Shaer and Yusuf Al-Madani, a prominent   SPA                          National Hydrogen Alliance.
       leader of Houthi forces.                                                   The collaboration between Oman
         According to the UN listing, Al-Ghamari   Oman Hydrogen Center         Hydrogen Center and Siemens Energy Oman
       “plays the leading role in orchestrating the                             further assists and enables the development
       Houthis’ military efforts that are directly   signs agreement with       of the hydrogen industry in the sultanate.
       threatening the peace, security and stability of                         The areas of collaboration include identifying
       Yemen, including in Marib, as well as cross-  Siemens                    feasible green hydrogen applications;
       border attacks against Saudi Arabia”.                                    proposing storage solutions; production;
         Al Shaer, who is in charge of logistics,   Oman Hydrogen Center (OHC) signs a   transportation; hydrogen society plan and
       “assisted the Houthis in acquiring smuggled   Memorandum of Understanding with   energy policy.
       arms and weapons,” and as “Judicial   Siemens Energy Oman to collaborate on   Dr. Hussain Bin Sulaiman AL Salmi CEO
       Custodian” he was “directly involved in the   Hydrogen Energy projects and initiatives in   of Oman Educational Services and the Acting
       widespread and unlawful appropriation   the Sultanate of Oman.  Oman Hydrogen   Rector of GUtech said, “The Oman Hydrogen
       of assets and entities owned by private   Center is hosted by the German University of   Centre is focused on Oman specific topics of
       individuals under arrest by the Houthis or   Technology (GUtech).        the hydrogen- based energy transition and
       forced to take refuge outside of Yemen,” the   German University of Technology (owned   is developing a roadmap for related research
       UN said.                            by Oman Educational Services) has always   and development work in order to support
       AL JAZEERA                          been fully committed to the development   recommendations for an implementation
                                           and enhancement of the Omani resources   roadmap for Oman. The Centre contributes

       Week 45   11•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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