Page 16 - DMEA Week 45 2021
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with own research activities in close in Botswana and sub-Saharan Africa. At the across the region - similarly in the related
cooperation with academic and industrial Lesedi Power Project Tlou and hydrogen fields of waste-to-energy and waste disposal.
partners. The strength of OHC is not limited technology partner Synergen Met are working Tlou and SM intend to use the hydrogen
merely to its own local resources, we are on combining large, established natural produced from the prototype to generate
proud of our strong linkage with our partners gas reserves with abundant solar energy to electricity and possibly for transport fuel
in Germany such as RWTH Aachen university produce green hydrogen, thus providing a (initially in Tlou’s own vehicles). Solid carbon
or the German industry partners, as well complementary range of cleaner and greener will be made available for regional consumers
with other international partners such as the power generation options. that require the product. World markets for
Japanese academic institutions like Nagoya The Company has secured a 10MW Power hydrogen and solid carbon black are predicted
university.” Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Botswana to expand considerably over the short and
“I would call today’s event as another Power Corporation, and power dispatch medium term.
milestone for OHC, to have this strategic under this PPA will help displace existing SM consider that their process meets the
partnership with Siemens Energy LLC Oman carbon-intensive power. The construction definition of green hydrogen production via
that we are proud to be joining hands with. of transmission lines to connect Lesedi to their plasma torch gas pyrolysis design.
They are globally active and bring great value the existing power grid is expected to be TLOU ENERGY
to our collaboration.” completed in 2023.
Khalid Bin Hadi, Managing Director of The prototype hydrogen production unit
Siemens Energy Oman said, “Green hydrogen is being designed, built and tested in Brisbane PETROCHEMICALS
has the potential to become a core part of the prior to transportation to Lesedi in 1H22,
future clean economy in Oman and play an when production trials will commence. The Permits for building
important role to unlock a more sustainable successful production of hydrogen and solid
and decarbonized future for all. As we work to carbon products could allow the Company to petchem projects obtained
advance the development of this new industry achieve early-stage revenue ahead of gas-to-
it will be the strong, dedicated partnerships power revenue under the 10MW PPA.
like ours that will ensure success. As a leading The Company’s hydrogen technology The Director General of Market Research
pioneer in the green hydrogen industry we partner Synergen Met Pty Ltd (“SM”), of the National Petrochemical Company
are proud to collaborate with the Oman a leading specialist in plasma torch and said 33 propulsion projects have been
Hydrogen Centre to enable Oman’s clean pyrolysis technology, has informed the defined in Iran’s petrochemical industry,
energy and hydrogen ambitions.” Company that preliminary engineering for and added: “Currently, 20 projects have
The purpose of this collaboration is to their hydrogen-carbon production process received construction permits, some of
identify and support local applications for has been completed. The plasma torch will be which are included in the third leap basket
green hydrogen, providing technical expertise tested and configured to optimise hydrogen of the petrochemical industry and have been
in relation to developing green hydrogen and solid carbon production. activated by private investors.”
solutions and offering support in gaining A consultant engineering company According to the National Petrochemical
access to relative local industries. (Kemplant) has been engaged to assist with Company, Masoud Sayehban stated about
The main objective is to develop a green the prototype engineering to allow detailed the prospects of implementing propulsion
hydrogen masterplan that details practical design and fabrication to commence. Testing plans: “Petrochemical industry propulsion
applications of green hydrogen in Oman of the plasma torch to determine the optimum plans with the strategy of completing and
and work collaboratively to realize them. parameters for the production of hydrogen developing the value chain and compensating
This initiative is in line with the energy and and solid carbon is progressing. the shortage of feed required by secondary
economic targets set for Oman Vision 2040 as Once the prototype arrives at Lesedi it will industries, diversifying the product mix,
well as UN Sustainable Development Goals. utilise Tlou’s existing gas flows to produce generating value added and job creation
TIMES OF OMAN hydrogen and solid carbon by-products. Net were defined two years ago with the focus on
Zero CO2 emissions potential will be achieved management, planning and development.”
Tlou announces hydrogen following the planned addition of Solar PV defined in the form of 33 projects, adding:
He said that the propulsion projects are
plans production will be a first for the sub-Saharan “Currently, 20 projects have received
The use of plasma technology for hydrogen
construction permits, some of which are
Tlou Energy Limited is focussed on delivering region and could have major implications for included in the third leap basket of the
secure, sustainable, and clean power solutions the production of low emissions, clean energy petrochemical industry and have been
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 45 11•November•2021