Page 26 - Small Stans Outlook 2023
P. 26

Without fiscal consolidation, public debt will rise gradually from 58% of
                              GDP in 2022 to 61% of GDP by 2027, the Fund also said.

                              It further observed: “The authorities’ exceptional tax administration
                              efforts substantially improved revenue collection in 2022, but
                              expenditure has increased much more due to the significant increase
                              during the year in public wages, pensions and public investment. From
                              2023 onwards the full year impact of the wage and pension increases is
                              likely to keep the deficit elevated despite the planned reduction in
                              domestically financed investment spending. The latter could undermine
                              growth in view of the large infrastructure investment needs.

                              “At the same time, given limited foreign financing, raising around 4% of
                              GDP per year in a shallow domestic bond market to close the fiscal
                              deficit could be a significant challenge and costly.”

                              Without additional fiscal space and concessional financing, large new
                              infrastructure projects such as the China–Kyrgyzstan–Uzbekistan (CKU)
                              railway and Kambarata-1 hydropower plant would further increase
                              public debt, the Fund said.

                              “Further, since the Kumtor gold mine is now fully state-owned, it should
                              comply with the same tax regime as other gold mines, while channeling
                              its dividends to the budget would provide much-needed fiscal resources.
                              A tax amnesty or new preferential tax regimes could result in additional
                              revenue loss,” it added.

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