Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 38
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                ION commercialises Gemini

                                                                                extended frequency source


                                                                                ION Geophysical today announced the
                                                                                commercialisation of its proprietary Gemini™
                                                                                extended frequency source technology
                                                                                following a successful survey deployment in
                                                                                the Gulf of Mexico.
                                                                                  Developed with support from an E&P
                                                                                operator, the new source technology addresses
                                                                                industry demand for increased geophysical
                                                                                fidelity in complex geologies while satisfying
                                                                                both improved operational and environmental
                                                                                performance. Gemini is flexible across both
                                                                                seabed and towed streamer data acquisition
                                                                                platforms and is immediately available as
       oil industry, but for the state as a whole, as   SERVICES                a plug-in component to existing source
       more than 1000 jobs will be created,” said                               infrastructure.
       Todd Edwards, President of Max Midstream.   Cycle Energy Services          Even in the current market, some of
       “At a time when the oil and gas market is                                the most attractive E&P investment areas
       down, this project and partnership reflects   receives CAD1.1mn in       for appraisal, development and near-field
       proof that Texas is bouncing back and will                               exploration are amidst the world’s most
       remain resilient in being the world’s leader in   government contracts   complex geological settings where more
       oil production.”                                                         accurate imaging is essential for cost effective
         Specifically, Edwards noted that the Impact   Cycle Energy Services, a wholly owned   oil and gas extraction.
       Data Source consultants have performed a   subsidiary of Cycle Energy Industries,   Gemini uniquely provides a broad
       comprehensive economic impact study and   announced today it has received contracts   source spectrum significantly richer in low
       found the project will create 474 direct new   from the government of Alberta totalling   frequencies with a considerably reduced
       jobs and another 598 construction related   CAD1.1mn under the Alberta government   environmental impact. Low frequencies
       jobs over the next ten years. These new jobs   Site Rehabilitation Program (SRP) which   support more accurate geological models and
       will span across the state, as there will be work   is administered by Alberta’s Department of   imaging by driving improved performance
       building the pipeline all throughout parts of   Energy. The programme provides funding   and automation of Full Waveform Inversion
       Texas. During this process, Max Midstream   in the form of grant payments to the oil   workflows.
       will be investing up to $1bn into the overall   field services sector where Cycle Energy   “This product is designed for a market
       project.                            Services is a trusted government supplier for   where significant capex is still flowing, and
         The key to exporting Texas oil is   abandon and/or reclaim upstream oil and gas   where our customers need to de-risk decisions
       transporting the commodity at an economic   infrastructure.              innovatively and cost-effectively,” said Ken
       price from the sources to the ports, either   “These government contracts we received   Williamson, Executive Vice President and
       through Houston or Corpus Christi ports,   focusing on reclamation and abandonment   Chief Operating Officer of ION’s E&P
       which are typically at or near full capacity   work on oil and gas sites in Alberta   Technology and Services group. “We have
       with congestion. This project represents a   demonstrate the high-end quality resources   been delighted with E&P customer support
       game-changer, as it will open a third option—  Cycle Energy Services provides in this sector,”   during Gemini’s development and their
       the Port. Currently, Max Midstream has   said Michael McLaren, CEO of Cycle Energy   advocacy now for rapid industry adoption
       agreements for three pipeline interconnects   Industries. “We have a clear advantage over   to address challenging prospects in their
       – one with Kinder Morgan Crude and   our competition by providing services that are   portfolios.
       Condensate, one to the Gray Oak, and one   just too costly and not financially viable for   This important ingredient to enhancing
       to the Victoria Express. Max Midstream   workovers such as this. Our cost effectiveness,   subsurface knowledge differentiates ION as
       currently operates the Seahawk pipeline that   quality of work and years of experience have   we expand into the larger 3D multi-client
       connects the Kinder Morgan Crude and   allowed us to be recognised as a trusted   new acquisition market while maintaining
       Condensate Interconnect in Edna, Texas   government supplier. We are excited to take   our asset light approach. Our patent-
       to its Seahawk terminal at the Port. Future   on these projects and look forward to the   pending design has been approved by the
       expansion with new pipeline connections   possibility of more to come.”  environmental permitting authorities in the
       with Gray Oak and Victoria Express to   The objectives of the Site Rehabilitation   US and the UK, and based on these approvals,
       Max Midstream’s Edna terminal, will allow   Program are to increase employment in this   we expect permit timing in other jurisdictions
       Permian and Eagle Ford basin crudes to   sector while decreasing the environmental   to be equivalent to that of a conventional
       export via the port as well.        liability associated with oil and gas   source array.”
       MAX MIDSTREAM, September 23, 2020   development.                         ION GEOPHYSICAL, September 23, 2020
                                           CYCLE ENERGY SERVICES, September 22, 2020

       Week 38   24•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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