Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 38
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       MOVES                               provider of information and benchmark   aviation sector itself, rather than through the
                                           prices for the commodities and energy   purchase of outside offsets – even as consumer
       Venture Global LNG                  markets, today announced the launch of the   awareness grows around the environmental
                                           first-to-market Sustainable Aviation Fuel
                                                                                impact of transportation.
       announces leadership                (SAF) price assessment for the Americas,   S&P GLOBAL PLATTS, September 21, 2020
                                           aimed at bringing transparency to a
       changes                             developing market as the airline industry   ENERGY TRANSITION
                                           embraces energy transition. This follows
       Robert Pender and Michael Sabel, founders,   the Platts launch of Europe’s first-ever
       co-chairmen and co-CEOs of Venture Global   independent price references for sustainable    Biodiesel-powered
       LNG, jointly announced today an upcoming   aviation fuel on August 17, 2020.
       change in corporate governance for the   Ian Dudden, global content director,   vehicles wrap and roll
       company. With the approval of the board of   metals and agriculture at S&P Global Platts,
       directors, effective October 1, 2020, Mr. Sabel   said: “The commitment to decarbonisation   Newly branded vehicles highlighting
       will assume the role of CEO of the company   is alive and well within the airline sector,   biodiesel’s sustainability and emissions
       and Mr. Pender will continue to serve the   despite the travel-related demand devastation   reduction benefits are rolling along city streets
       company as executive co-chairman, a new   brought about by the coronavirus pandemic.   and interstate highways from the nation’s
       officer position, supporting the company   While the spot physical market for Sustainable   capital, to Texas oil country, up the California
       and the CEO on key strategic and financial   Aviation Fuels is in its infancy, we’re pleased   coast and throughout the Midwest.
       matters. Mr. Pender will continue to serve on   to be facilitating this market’s emergence with   The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) today
       the company’s board of directors, together   our new cost-based price assessments, which   announced that eight biodiesel users from
       with Mr. Sabel, both as executive co-chairmen   allow for side-by-side comparisons between   across the country received matching funds
       of the board.                       hydrocarbon-based jet fuel and a green   to share their biodiesel success stories with
         Mr. Pender stated, “It has been an   alternative.”                     wraps, decals or other vehicle branding efforts.
       exhilarating decade working with Mike   As recently as September 14, 2020, the   Biodiesel cuts carbon and other pollutant
       to create Venture Global LNG and to   oneworld alliance of 13 major airlines around   emissions substantially, reducing health
       help reshape the global LNG industry. In   the world, along with their affiliates, pledged   impacts in many communities.
       particular, through Venture Global, we are   to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. While   “NBB’s annual Vehicle Branding
       so proud that we have materially reduced   members such as British Airways parent   Program is a great way to increase awareness
       the cost of LNG at a critical moment of   IAG, Japan Airlines, Qantas and Finnair had   of biodiesel’s benefits as these vehicles
       transition for the world’s energy needs. We   previously set such targets for themselves,   log thousands of miles throughout the
       have succeeded in large part because of the   they are now being joined by major US carrier   country,” said Kaleb Little, NBB director of
       singular focus we have both personally fully   American Airlines, also with Alaska Airlines   communications. “This year’s winners are
       invested, now I need to step back a bit. There   as a oneworld member-elect.   featuring NBB’s new tagline, “Better, Cleaner,
       is no person I trust more than Mike to lead   In the US and Canada, the aviation   Now” which tells the biodiesel story simply.
       this company we created together into the   industry in 2019 accounted for around 5%, or   Biodiesel is better and cleaner than petroleum
       future. I remain fully committed to Mike, the   nearly 300 million metric tons of total energy   diesel – with proven environmental, health
       company and its success, but in a different   CO2 emissions annually, according to S&P   and economic benefits – and is ready to use
       role where I can add the highest value and at a   Global Platts Analytics, equivalent to 250 kg of  now.”
       more balanced pace.”                CO2 emitted per thousand passengers carried.  NATIONAL BIODIESEL BOARD, September 21,
         Mr. Sabel added: “Bob and I have worked   With increased focus on transitioning   2020
       together as partners for over 10 years, and   towards a lower carbon future, cleaner fuels
       more important than the milestones achieved   are emerging as a compelling solution to
       have been the friendship and the time spent   achieve emissions reductions within the
       together grinding through challenges and
       building our team. The success we have
       achieved would not have been possible
       without Bob’s leadership, guidance, intellect
       and energy. While roles are changing a
       little bit, the partnership, collaboration and
       intensity will continue for many years to come
       as we continue to grow our business.”
       VENTURE GLOBAL LNG, September 21, 2020
       S&P Global Platts launches

       first sustainable aviation
       fuel price assessments in


       S&P Global Platts, the leading independent

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   24•September•2020
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