Page 5 - MEOG Week 09 2023
P. 5

MEOG                                         COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

                         structure deployed in Baghdad’s maiden licens-  were all left unawarded.
                         ing rounds around the turn of the decade. Com-
                         panies were crucially bidding for a share of the  Details divulged
                         block’s revenue rather than on the basis of a  A few days after the deals were signed the MoO
                         remuneration fee, thus linking returns to inter-  provided further details to highlight the differ-
                         national oil prices.                 ences between the fifth licensing round and the
                           Costs and profits were to be paid in crude  four previous auctions.
                         rather than cash, and revenue from oil by-prod-  It noted the adoption of “a financial system
                         ucts is to be excluded from the firms’ income.  that guarantees the protection of the Iraqi side’s
                                                              revenues from economic risks by adopting the
                         Disappointment                       principle of profit as a percentage and not as a
                         However, the novelty of the terms and the acre-  fixed number [… in compliance with previ-
                         age and the insufficient time given to study them  ous budget laws] which stipulate that contracts
                         combined to deter the majority of the 26 pre-  include an equation linking cost recovery to the
                         qualifiers from bidding and the 14 companies  oil price.”
                         said by the MoO to have purchased the bidding   This will see operators share project risk while
                         documents. The latter group included several  “while emphasising the Iraqi people’s ownership
                         IOCs.                                of all oil and gas, whether stored underground,
                           Of these, only Italy’s Eni participated – sub-  extracted or sourced, as well as not mortgaging
                         mitting unsuccessful offers for two blocks.  any quantities or ownership rights to any party
                         Three lesser-known players from the UAE and  other than the Iraqi government.”
                         China between them won all of the six licences   The Iraqi state will also receive a 25% royalty,
                         assigned, while France’s (then) Total, the US’  while Iraqi sub-contractors will be given pref-
                         ExxonMobil and a Russian trio of Gazprom,  erence over their international counterparts in
                         Lukoil and Zarubezhneft were among those  tenders for work associated with 5LR projects.
                         declining to participate at the last minute.
                                                              Upcoming bid round
                         Winners                              Meanwhile, Abdulghani’s talk of another bid
                         Sharjah-based Crescent Petroleum – an affiliate  round aligns loosely with details exclusively
                         of better-known compatriot Dana Gas – was the  revealed by Middle East Oil & Gas (MEOG) in
                         biggest winner, picking up three of the blocks.  mid-2021.
                           Crucially, the company won the licences for   At the time, MoO sources told MEOG that
                         the Gilabat-Qumar and Khashim Ahmer-Injana  plans were underway for a licensing round
                         non-associated gas fields in Diyala Province,  focused on increasing flows of free gas, while
                         close to the Iranian frontier with bids based on  direct talks would be held with IOCs for explo-
                         profit shares of 9.21% and 19.99% respectively.  ration concessions in the south-east of the coun-
                         These are expected to produce 250mn cubic feet  try. A few months later, the ill-fated Iraq National
                         (7 mcm) per day                      Oil Co. (INOC) was been given permission to
                           Crescent was also awarded the Khudr al-Maa  “negotiate directly” with Chevron for the devel-
                         oil block, straddling the Basra and Mathana  opment of four exploration blocks around
                         provinces on the Kuwaiti border, with an offer  Nasiriyah in Dhi Qar Governorate.
                         of 13.75%.                             One source said that the four exploration
                           China’s Geo-Jade Petroleum Corp. won two  blocks in question were: Area A (between Nasiri-
                         oil blocks – Naft Khana in Diyala with a bid  yah and Block 10); Area B (between Nasiriyah
                         of 14.67% and Huwaiza in Maysan for 7.15%.  and Gharraf); Area D (east of Nasiriyah) and
                         Compatriot United Energy Group – operator  Area E, which covers the marshlands of Dhi
                         of the Faihaa and Siba assets – was awarded  Qar. He added that a minimum production rate
                         the contract for the Sindbad block in the east of  of 250,000 bpd was being targeted.
                         Basra Province near Iran on the basis of a pro-  Meanwhile, the sixth bidding round is likely
                         posed 4.55% profit share.            to focus on new concessions for gas E&P, Euro-
                           Meanwhile, Zurbatiya (in Wasit and Diyala),  pean and US majors and Saudi Aramco are
                         Shihabi (in Maysan and Wasit), Fao (in Basra),  understood to remain interested in developing
                         Jebel Sanam (in Basra) and an offshore block  the Akkas and Mansouriyah gas fields.™

       Week 09   01•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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