Page 15 - AfrOil Week 08 2021
P. 15
Cameroon’s Tradex
inaugurates its first service
station in Equatorial Guinea
Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial
Guinea’s Head of State, officially inaugurated
Cameroonian oil operator Tradex’s first service
station last week after nine months of construc-
tion work.
The new filling station located in Malabo
II was constructed by an Equatoguinean com-
pany, Alammarin For Construction SL, and has sector over the past 18 years and we remain kbbl/d ofcondensates.
a storage capacity of 100,000 litres of fuel and 300 unflinching in our resolve to keep improving February 17 2021
tanks of 12.5kg of butane gas. the quality that has made the So Energy brand
The launch of Tradex’s flagship filling station associated with reliability, efficiency, conveni-
in the country signals its entrance into Equatorial ence and safety in Ghana,” said Selormey. INVESTMENT
Guinea’s petroleum products market and, forms Selormey said further retail expansion would
part of its three-year expansion plan, launched see So Energy grow its network of customers and ANPG moves to make
in 2019, to invest approximately $25mn in Equa- stakeholders in the sector markedly to replicate
torial Guinea through building a network of 10 the exceptional performance of its parent com- Angola’s 2020 bid round
service stations. pany, Sahara Group.
In line with the objectives set by AfCTA, the Sahara Group, February 22 2021 more transparent
collaboration between Equatorial Guinea and
Cameroon in this way highlights the substance Angola’s National Agency for Oil, Gas and Bio-
of regional integration and the exciting prospect SERVICES fuels (ANPG) now allows those interested in
of local strategic solutions to local challenges partaking in the ongoing 2020 licensing round
and, is a prime example of the efficacy of local Energean-EGPC JV awards for oil blocks in the onshore Kwanza and Lower
resource allocation. Congo Basins to consult the available data pack-
African Energy Chamber, February 23 2021 NEA/NI iEPCI contract to ages before purchasing them.
ANPG hopes this will increase transparency
So Energy boosts customer TechnipFMC in the process, as intended by the governing legal
framework. It will ensure that qualified partic-
experience in Ghana’s Energean, the gas producer focused on the ipants engage with the necessary confidence
Mediterranean, has announced that AbuQir needed to start the process and secure agree-
downstream sector Petroleum, a Joint Venture between Energean ments at the end of the process. This will signif-
and EGPC, has signed an integrated EPCI icantly reduce the risk of companies entering
So Energy, a leading oil marketing firm, and iEPCI contract to global offshore services pro- the process with many uncertainties. Interested
Sahara Group Downstream Company has vider TechnipFMC for a subsea tie-back located companies simply need to register their interest
again enhanced customer access to unique ser- offshore Egypt. The contract covers the Engi- with ANPG either via letter or email, requesting
vice experience with the commissioning of the neering, Procurement, Construction, and Instal- a free data consultation session. The session can
So Kojokrom Station, located on the Takoradi lation of four subsea wells as well as the subsea either be provided virtually or in person.
highway in the Western Region of Ghana. This tie-back to the existing AbuQir Petroleum infra- The ongoing licensing round is in line with
is in line with the company’s plan to transform structure and processing plant. Presidential Decree 52/19, which foresees
the sector through seamless access to top-quality The development wells will be drilled in a yearly bid rounds until 2025. Angola’s regula-
product and services. water depth between 60 and 90 metres. Three tor, the ANPG, is intent on attracting interest
The new station which is beautifully encapsu- of them will be located in North El Amriya far beyond the traditional players in Angola’s oil
lated in the modern and vibrant colours of the So (NEA) concession, operated by Petroamriya JV and gas sector. Special attention has been given
Energy brand, will serve both private and com- between Energean and EGAS, and one in North to attract mid-sized explorers to Angolan basins
mercial vehicles in Kojokrom as well as other Idku (NI), the concession operated by Nipetco that have proven prolific in recent years and pro-
suburbs in the Takoradi Metropolis. JV between Energean and EGPC. vided returns for companies far beyond industry
At the commissioning event attended by The NEA concession contains two discov- averages in other locations. Six licenses onshore
several dignitaries and employees of So Energy, ered and appraised gas fields (Yazzi and Python), Kwanza Basin and three licenses onshore Lower
Managing Director, Yvette Selormey launched while the NI concession contains four discov- Congo Basin are currently on offer for this
the “one litre is one litre campaign” to promote ered gas fields, one of which is ready for devel- round. The governing Presidential Decree 52/19
the gold standard for transparency, quality, opment. The integrated project NEA/NI is due to also specifies that the blocks will be awarded by
accessibility and sustainability in Ghana’s down- deliver first gas in 2H 2022 with 49mn boe of 2P public tender, restricted public tender and direct
stream sector. reserves, 87% of which is gas, and peak produc- negotiation with clear timelines put in place.
“We have continued to raise the bar in the tion is expected to be approx. 90 MMscf/d plus 1 Africa Oil & Power, February 23 2021
Week 08 24•February•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P15