Page 17 - AfrOil Week 08 2021
P. 17

AfrOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                              AfrOil

       The previously announced debt funding plans,  management of oil and gas resources, supported  from Centurion and also Panoro’s team,” added
       including the arrangements of which San Leon  by a new roadmap that accelerates reforms and  Oliveira.
       is part, are in the final stages of being concluded,  ensures adequate supervision of projects by the   This transaction, which forms part of Tullow’s
       which will provide additional development  relevant ministers and parastatals.  US180mn sale of assets to Panoro in West Africa,
       funding for further operations and development   To this end, President Sall implored Minis-  has been approved by the government of Equa-
       drilling for the full development of the Oza oil-  ter of Petroleum and Energy Aissatou Sophie  torial Guinea. It is also a class 1 transaction under
       field. The current private placement, which will  Gladima to work towards revolutionising  the UK listing rules and is subject to approval
       allow Decklar Petroleum to begin the Oza-1  information reporting systems within the  from both parties’ shareholders.
       well re-entry and production operations on an  hydrocarbon sector and implementing a cohe-  Centurion Law Group, February 22 2021
       expedited basis, is expected to close by the end  sive communication strategy on oil and gas
       of February 2021.                   management.
       SAN Leon Energy, February 22 2021      President Sall further urged national oil   TECHNOLOGY
                                           company Petrosen to finalise Production Shar-
       POLICY                              ing Contracts and Association Agreements with   Egyptian Ministry of
                                           operators, with a view to driving inclusion of the
       Nigerian, Equatoguinean             private sector and indigenous industries.  Petroleum, Schlumberger
                                              President Sall also requested that the Minis-
       delegations discuss oil and         try of Finance and Budget finalise the bill on rev-  announce launch of Egypt
                                           enue sharing related to oil and gas development
       gas co-operation plans              before the end of March 2021.        Upstream Gateway
                                              Finally, the Head of State urged government
       Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima, Minister of Mines  to support the establishment of the National  The Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and
       and Hydrocarbons of Equatorial Guinea met  Institute of Oil and Gas, as well as formalise  Schlumberger have announced the launch of
       with Timipre Sylva, Minister of Petroleum  regulation related to education and training in  the Egypt Upstream Gateway, an innovative
       Resources of Nigeria, at the presidential palace  the sector, in a bid to develop human capital  national project for the digitalisation of subsur-
       in Malabo intending to strengthen bilateral rela-  and facilitate knowledge, skills and technology  face information. This digital platform will also
       tions between the two countries.    transfer.                            enable global access to the country’s subsurface
         The meeting included a signing of a mem-  Africa Oil & Power, February 19 2021  data, which is kept evergreen by enhancing leg-
       orandum of understanding (MoU) which will                                acy datasets through reprocessing and new stud-
       consolidate new opportunities for the hydro-                             ies. This unique digital initiative will be used to
       carbons sector for both countries and, allow the   LEGAL                 unlock the potential of Egypt’s petroleum sector
       counterparts to collaborate on maritime piracy                           and promote the country’s exploration and pro-
       protection strategies as security remains a major   Centurion advises Panoro   duction potential worldwide.
       concern for energy infrastructure, with attacks                            “Egypt is in the process of launching the
       reaching record highs in the Gulf of Guinea.  on acquisition of Tullow   Egypt Upstream Gateway, a digital subsurface
         The ministers also agreed to expedite joint                            platform that will act as an up-to-date reposi-
       cross-border cooperation for the supply of gas   asset in Equatorial Guinea  tory of the country’s subsurface data,” said Tarek
       from Nigeria to Equatorial Guinea which will                             El-Molla, minister of petroleum and mineral
       also be an opportunity for Equatorial Guinea’s  Pan African law conglomerate Centurion Law  resources of Egypt. “The Egypt Upstream Gate-
       energy sector to see an additional step to its local  Group is pleased to have acted as local counsel  way will digitally promote Egypt’s oil and gas bid
       content development plans.          to Panoro Energy on the $105mn purchase of all  rounds through seamless online access to the
         This agreement once again signals that  Tullow Oil assets in Equatorial Guinea. The par-  sector’s data, as well as endorsing our exploration
       energy cooperation between neighbours on the  ties have signed a sale and purchase agreement,  potential worldwide.”
       continent can unlock tremendous value for Afri-  pursuant to which Tullow has agreed to sell its   “The Egypt Upstream Gateway is the embod-
       can nations, in particular, in the Gulf of Guinea  entire interest in Tullow Equatorial Guinea.  iment of the Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum’s
       where there is great potential for collaborations.  “We are excited to have assisted Panoro  vision, leveraging digitisation to modernise
       African Energy Chamber, February 23 2021  Energy on this landmark Oil and Gas trans-  the country’s petroleum sector,” said Rajeev
                                           action,” said Manuel Oliveira Director and  Sonthalia, presidentof Digital & Integration at
       Senegalese president urges          Shareholder, who led Centurion’s EG deal team.  Schlumberger. “With the launch of this indus-
                                           “This was a significant transaction that involved  try-first platform, the Egyptian Ministry of
       national oil and gas reform         cooperation between experienced attorneys  Petroleum and its affiliates—EGPC, EGAS,
                                                                                GANOPE—can digitally showcase national
       Senegalese President Macky Sall has called for                           assets to investors worldwide, in addition to
       a transformation of organisation, management,                            leveraging the latest digital technology and
       execution and evaluation processes within the                            solutions to accelerate discovery throughout the
       domestic oil and gas sector, as the country pre-                         country.”
       pares to enter oil and gas operations from 2023.                           The Egypt Upstream Gateway provides dig-
         The President made his announcement dur-                               ital access to over 100 years’ worth of accumu-
       ing a virtual conference held with the Council                           lated national onshore and offshore seismic,
       of Ministers on Wednesday. Expanding upon                                non-seismic, well-log, production, and addi-
       a prior meeting he chaired earlier this month,                           tional subsurface data under a single platform.
       President Sall advocated for the enhanced                                Schlumberger, February 18 2021

       Week 08   24•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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