Page 15 - AsiaElec Week 38
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AsiaElec                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsiaElec

       to avoid an estimated 300 tons of carbon   WIND                          general of electricity and renewable energy
       dioxide emissions, annually. For comparison,                             Hoang Tien Dung said: “The government
       the average monthly household electricity   World Bank sets out 10GW     of Vietnam is always committed to the
       consumption of a four-room public housing                                development of a sustainable energy sector
       in Singapore is around 354 kilowatt hours   offshore vision for Vietnam  and the timing now is very critical with
       (KWh); and it takes an estimated 4,900 trees                             our national Power Development Plan 8
       to sequester 300 tons of carbon dioxide.  Vietnam could potentially bring online up to   preparation by the Ministry of Trade and
         Mr Tan Soo Koong, CEO of SLNG,    10GW of offshore wind by 2030, according to   Industry being underway.
       said: “SLNG is committed to doing its part   recommendations by the World Bank and the   “We, therefore, highly appreciate advice
       to help fight climate change and promote   Danish Energy Agency.         and recommendations from Denmark and
       environmental sustainability; and the use of   The findings were presented by the   the World Bank, our long term partners who
       solar energy at our Terminal is just a modest   organisations to the Vietnamese government   have possessed many years of experience and
       first step. We are also actively exploring   as part of efforts to develop an offshore wind   knowledge in renewable energy ahead of us.”
       ways to catalyse the use of LNG and other   sector.                        The Danish Energy Agency and the
       green energy alternatives. For one, we are   The studies are being presented ahead of   World Bank Group have made several
       looking into collaborations to develop new   the release of the new Power Development   recommendations including “clear, long-
       infrastructure in Singapore to promote the use   Plan 8 outlining the pathway for the next 10   term and progressive capacity deployment
       of LNG as a cleaner marine fuel.    years of power sector development in Vietnam  targets” to coordinate policies on government
         For another, we are working with various   with a vision for 2045.     level and give the industry the “needed
       partners to develop technologies related to   Vietnam has an estimated potential of   confidence” to make long-term investments in
       the importation, transportation and storage of   160GW of offshore wind capacity within 5 km   infrastructure, supply chains and technology.
       hydrogen.”                          and 100 km from shore.                 They also recommended a “sound legal
         “Total Solar DG puts Health, Safety and   Consultants from the Danish Energy   framework and a financeable power purchase
       Environment first. Our projects are built   Agency and the World Bank carried out   agreement” in line with international practices
       and operated with best-in-class techniques   assessment of potential and grid transmission   to offset market risks.
       and processes. We are proud to be trusted   capacity, local supply chain capacity,   Other recommendations include awarding
       by SLNG to implement such a prestigious   opportunities and challenges in offshore   large-scale demonstration projects to be
       project. Total Solar DG has unique experience   development, policy and management   commissioned in phases in order to kick-start
       delivering solar for complex, high-risk  experience from countries with advanced   the sector.
         environments. This comes from Total   offshore industry as well as recommendations   Meanwhile Vietnam is set to be the
       Group’s 100-year experience operating energy   for a roadmap to offshore wind power   “shining star” in south-east Asia’s race to add
       assets across the world. We are pleased to be   development.             wind power capacity.
       SLNG’s partner of choice, to help cut costs   The studies will be finalised taking into   The country accounts for 66% of new
       and carbon emissions, without compromising   consideration the opinions and suggestions   capacity expected to be added by the end
       on safety,” said Mr Gavin Adda, CEO of Total   from the conference participants and will be   of the decade in Wood Mackenzie’s recent
       Solar DG Southeast Asia.            submitted to the government of Vietnam in   market research.
       SINGAPORE LNG                       the near future.
                                              Ministry of Industry and Trade director

       Week 38   23•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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