Page 10 - AsiaElec Week 38
P. 10

AsiaElec                                           COAL                                              AsiaElec

       State Gas records “exponential”

       increase in CBM production

        AUSTRALIA        AUSTRALIAN junior State Gas has announced  three holes in an initial exploration and appraisal
                         an “exponential” increase in coal-bed methane  programme, which included the Serocold-1 and
                         (CBM) at its wholly owned Reid’s Dome project  Aldinga East-1A wells.
                         in the Bowen Basin.                    State Gas announced on September 11 that
                           The company said on September 16 that  flow rates at both Nyanda-4 and Serocold-1 con-
                         overnight flow rates at its Nyanda-4 well, which  tinued to build. While noting that Nyanda-4 was
                         is located in petroleum lease (PL) 231, had  flowing 128,000 cubic feet (3,600 cubic metres)
                         reached more than 240,000 cubic feet (6,800  per day, the company said simply that Sero-
                         cubic metres) per day.               cold-1’s output was increasing.
                           State Gas executive chairman Richard Cot-  Previous well bore damage has limited the
                         tee said the production jump had followed the  depth at which Serocold-1’s pump could be
                         installation of custom-built pumping equipment  placed, leaving around half of the targeted coal
                         from Canada.                         seams below the pump. However, State Gas said
                           “Seeing the well improve gas production  the gradual increase in flow rates was encourag-
                         and now exceed previous flow rates using the  ing and boded well for the future. It added that
                         customised pumps is very encouraging for the  water production at both wells remained low,
                         development of the whole Reid’s Dome gas field,”  providing further “positive signs” for the field’s
                         Cottee said.                         future production potential.
                           Nyanda-4, which is located in the southern   State Gas said this week Nyanda-4’s dramatic
                         region of PL231, was drilled in late 2018. The  production increase, coupled with the tighten-
                         well intersected 40 metres net coal, 25 metres  ing supply outlook on the East Coast gas market,
                         of carbonaceous shales as well as a number of  provided further support for commercial pro-
                         conventional tight gas sands. It was the first of  duction from PL231.™

       GE exits new build coal power market

        GLOBAL           US-BASED GE has said it is to stop building  service expertise.”
                         coal-fired power plants and will concentrate   As a major supplier of coal-fired generating
                         instead on renewables and gas-fired generation.  equipment, GE has felt the pressure of global
                           GE said that its Steam Power business would  environmental activism, and is also subject to
                         now reduce its exposure to coal through divest-  investor’ decisions to reduce their exposure to
                         ing from coal projects, site closures and job cuts.  companies such as GE that pose climate risk.
                           The company said it would still continue to   For example, GE, which until recently was
                         deliver turbine islands for the nuclear market  one of the world’s major builders of coal-fired
                         and service existing nuclear and coal power  power plants, is among the 161 “focus compa-
                         plants.                              nies” that Climate Action 100+, which represents
                           However, the decision is restricted to its  global investment companies, names as being as
                         Steam Power business, and does not touch gas-  systemically important to the global transition to
                         fired generation, meaning the company will still  net-zero emissions.
                         be exposed to fossil fuel generation.  GE joins other major energy names such as
                           It said the move is part of its strategy of mak-  BP and Royal Dutch Shell that are limiting their
                         ing electricity more affordable, reliable, accessi-  exposure to fossil fuels in a bid to respond to
                         ble and sustainable.                 market sentiment and to meet investors’ expec-
                           Russell Stokes, GE senior vice-president and  tations. In its renewables business, GE is pushing
                         president & CEO of GE Power Portfolio, said:  ahead with its generation technology, announc-
                         “with the continued transformation of GE, we  ing this week that it is to install its 13-MW Hali-
                         are focused on power generation businesses that  ade-X offshore turbines at the UK’s 3.6-GW
                         have attractive economics and a growth trajec-  Dogger Bank project in the UK.
                         tory. As we pursue this exit from the new-build   GE’s Renewable Energy unit won the supply
                         coal power market, we will continue to sup-  contract in October 2019 for the project, but
                         port our customers, helping them to keep their  back then said it would supply 12-MW Halia-
                         existing plants running in a cost-effective and  de-X turbines. It has now upgraded the contract
                         efficient way with best-in-class technology and  to 190 enhanced 13-MW units.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   23•September•2020
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