Page 8 - AsiaElec Week 38
P. 8

AsiaElec                                          POLICY                                             AsiaElec

       Australia unveils national gas strategy

        AUSTRALIA        THE Australian government has announced a  sector until April 2021 to reach a final investment
                         slew of natural gas-focused measures aimed at  decision (FID) on 1,000 MW of new dispatch-
                         helping the economy to recover from the coro-  able energy to come online in the summer of
                         navirus (COVID-19) recession.        2023-2024.
                           Prime Minister Scott Morrison this week   Canberra is concerned that the planned clo-
                         that the government intended to “reset” the East  sure of the coal-fired Liddell TPP in the Hunter
                         Coast gas market by encouraging both upstream  Valley in 2023 will leave the grid short of dis-
                         and mid-stream development.          patchable power. To that end, Morrison said
                           “The government [will] reset the East Coast  the government had tasked state-owned Snowy
                         gas market and create a more competitive and  Hydro to draw up contingency plans for a TPP
                         transparent Australian Gas Hub by unlocking  at Kurri Kurri.
                         gas supply, delivering an efficient pipeline and   “We won’t risk the affordability and reliability
                         transportation market, and empowering gas  of the NSW energy system and will step in unless
                         customers,” he said in a September 15 statement.  the industry steps up,” Morrison said.
                           Canberra wants to work with state and terri-  Australian Energy Minister Angus Taylor
                         tory governments to set new gas supply targets  said the market needed to focus on new, dis-
                         and enforce potential “use-it or lose-it” require-  patchable power. He said: “Over the last decade,
                         ments on gas licences.               the private sector has not built a single new reli-
                           Morrison committed AUD28.3mn  able power plant in NSW. The government has
                         ($20.66mn) of Commonwealth funding to find  always been clear – we need to see life extension
                         ways to unlock five key gas basins, starting with  or like-for-like replacement of Liddell. If indus-
                         the Northern Territory’s Beetaloo Basin as well as  try steps up, we’ll step back.”
                         Queensland’s North Bowen and Galilee basins.
                         The Beetaloo Basin is estimated to hold 500 tril-  Competition and transparency
                         lion cubic feet (14.16bn cubic metres) of shale  Competition and transparency were the watch-
                         gas potential.                       words of the prime minister’s announcement,
                           He added that his government would also be  with domestic gas prices a recurring worry.
                         exploring options for a prospective gas reserve   The government has staked its claim to a gas-
                         scheme while seeking new agreements with  based economic recovery, but without cheaper
                         Queensland’s three coal-bed methane (CBM)  domestic supplies of the fuel that outcome seems
                         to liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects to  unrealistic.
                         “strengthen price commitments”.        Morrison said his government would work
                           In the midstream, the prime minister  with The Australian Competition and Consumer
                         unveiled a new AUD10.9mn ($7.96mn) National  Commission (ACCC) to review the calculation
                         Gas Infrastructure Plan (NGIP) that will iden-  of the LNG netback price. The ACCC had com-
                         tify priority pipelines and critical infrastructure.  plained in August that the difference between
                         While the government wants the NGIP to help  netback prices and those paid by domestic con-
                         develop more transparent and competitive cus-  sumers had grown too wide. It noted that domes-
                         tomer hubs, it will also serve to highlight projects  tic users were paying AUD8-11 ($5.84-8.03) per
                         that will receive government funding if the pri-  GJ between late 2019 and early 2020, far above
                         vate sector fails to invest.         netback prices that had fallen below AUD5.50
                                                              ($4.01) in May.
                         Stepping up                            Canberra wants to reform pipeline regula-
                         The prime minister said his government was  tion while also establishing a “dynamic second-
                         hoping that private investors would shoulder  ary pipeline capacity market”, all in the name
                         new gas projects, but that it would to back these  of greater competition. The creation of an Aus-
                         “nation-building” projects if the private sector  tralian Gas Hub at Wallumbilla in Queensland
                         did not.                             is also on the agenda, as it will deliver an “open,
                           “This may include through streamlining  transparent and liquid” gas trading system.
                         approvals, underwriting projects or the estab-  “To help fire our economic recovery, the next
                         lishment of a special purpose vehicle with a  plank in our JobMaker plan is to deliver more
                         capped government contribution,” Morrison  Australian gas where it is needed at an interna-
                         said.                                tionally competitive price,” Morrison said. “We’ll
                           It is a similar approach to the one Morri-  work with industry to deliver a gas hub for Aus-
                         son unveiled in the power sector, where he has  tralia that will ensure households and businesses
                         pledged build a gas-fired thermal power plant  enjoy the benefits of our abundant local gas while
                         (TPP) in New South Wales if private investors  we hold our position as one of the top global
                         bow out.                             LNG exporters.”™
                           The federal government has given the private

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