Page 9 - AsiaElec Week 38
P. 9

AsiaElec                                          COAL                                              AsiaElec

       J-Power to develop CCUS

       in Indonesia

        JAPAN            JAPAN’S J-Power and consulting company  emissions reduction efforts in other Asian coun-
                         Japan NUS are to carry out a CCUS demonstra-  tries, whose dependency on fossil fuel thermal
                         tion project to store carbon dioxide deep in the  power generation is relatively high, a METI offi-
                         ground in Indonesia as part of efforts to reduce  cial said.
                         greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.        The project will “provide an opportunity for
                           The two are set to begin the four-year plan at  domestic companies to promote their high-level
                         Gundih gas field in Central Java Province with  technology” for reducing the CO2 emissions, the
                         the co-operation of the Indonesian government  official said.
                         and state-owned oil company PT Pertamina, the   The result of another demonstration held on
                         two companies said in a statement.   Japan’s northernmost main island of Hokkaido
                           The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Indus-  since 2012 until last year has showed that bury-
                         try (METI) in May picked the two firms’ busi-  ing CO2 costs about JPY6,000 ($57) to JPY7,000
                         ness proposal as an infrastructure research  per tonne, according to the official.
                         project aiming to be applied to the so-called   The Japanese government expects the CCS
                         Joint Crediting Mechanism, which regards  project to be commercialised in 2030 at the ear-
                         Japan’s contribution to GHG emissions cuts by a  liest, but its viability as a business depends on
                         foreign country as its own emissions reductions,  whether the benefit obtained by trading GHG
                         they said.                           emissions credits would offset the cost, the offi-
                           It will be the first such demonstration project  cial said.
                         assumed to be subject to the government’s CO2   According to the International Energy
                         emissions trading scheme, they added.  Agency (IEA), the percentage of coal-fired elec-
                           A gas pipeline with the length of 4 km will be  tricity generation, which is considered to exhaust
                         laid between the gas field and the carbon dioxide  a larger amount of CO2 per power generation
                         storage site, where the project operators will dig a  than any other energy source, is relatively high
                         hole to a depth of around 3.6 km to reach under-  in Asian countries.
                         ground aquifers.                       The latest IEA data showed that thermal
                           Costs are expected to amount to several bil-  power generation using coal comprised about
                         lion yen in total.                   70% of all electricity in 2018 in China and India,
                           About 300,000 tonnes of CO2 are generated  over half in Indonesia, and more than 40% in
                         in the process of gas purification at the Gundih  Malaysia and the Philippines, compared with
                         field and diffused into the air each year, accord-  the world’s average of around 38%.
                         ing to J-Power.                        The IEA has said in a report that 14% of
                           “Due to its extremely low content ratio in the  cumulative emissions reductions from 2014
                         air, it’s quite difficult to collect CO2 effectively  must be derived from CCS as of 2060 to achieve
                         from the air, but the condition to gather CO2  the 2-degree temperature cap targeted in the
                         efficiently is already arranged there at Gundih,”  2015 Paris climate agreement.
                         said a J-Power public relations official.  A signatory to the Paris accord, Japan has
                           “So we can say the site is suitable for CCS  continued to target a 26% reduction in GHG
                         projects,” the official said, citing the acronym for  emissions by fiscal 2030 from fiscal 2013 lev-
                         carbon capture and storage.          els amid international criticism it is not doing
                           Japan will continue to support similar  enough to fight global warming.™

       Week 38   23•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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