Page 4 - AsiaElec Week 38
P. 4

AsiaElec                                      COMMENTARY                                             AsiaElec

       China’s welcome

       net zero surprise

       China’s net zero ambitions are a welcome surprise for the global energy
       transition, but more details are needed, writes Richard Lockhart

        CHINA            CHINA’S aims of being carbon neutral by 2060,  Change (IPCC) has said that countries need to
                         and for CO2 emissions to peak by 2030 at the  halve their emissions of CO2 by 2030 if the world
       WHAT:             latest.                              is to have even a 50% chance of limiting the tem-
       China aims to be carbon   This would have a major impact on global  perature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius by reaching
       neutral by 2060   efforts to combat climate change in the long  net zero by 2050. China is setting a target of just
                         term, and for the international community’s  2060 for net zero emissions.
       WHY:              chances of achieving the Paris Agreement 2030
       Beijing said the target   targets.                     Political move
       was part of global post-  The decision this week, made by Chinese  China is the world’s largest emitter and pro-
       COVID-10 recovery plans  President Xi Jinping and reported by official  ducer of coal, but it is also the biggest and fastest
                         media, is a major improvement of Beijing’s pre-  installer of renewables capacity, and the world’s
       WHAT NEXT:        vious ambitions of peak emissions around 2030.  largest producer of solar panels. Therefore Bei-
       China must cut coal   This 2030 target had represented a 10-15%  jing’s policy will have a major impact on global
       consumption and drive   rise in emissions compared to 2015 levels.  emissions in the coming decades.
       investment in renewables  At present, China emits 28% of the world’s   As well as purely environmental aims, Bei-
                         carbon dioxide, according to data from the  jing’s move gives it a major geopolitical boost
                         Union of Concerned Scientists.       compared to the US, which has so far failed to
                           CO2 monthly emissions rose by 4-5% year on  issue similar targets.
                         year in May to 920mn tonnes of CO2, of which   “Yesterday’s announcement was framed as
                         636mn tonnes was from the coal-fired generat-  a direct response to the coronavirus pandemic
                         ing sector.                          and the more recalcitrant position of the Trump
                           Emissions bounced back from their tempo-  Administration towards the 2016 Paris Agree-
                         rary 25% lockdown dip in February and March,  ment,” said Wood Mackenzie research director
                         analysis of official Chinese data by the think-  Alex Whitworth
                         tank Carbon Brief showed.              China is also in need of major improvements
                                                              to its image in the West after its handling of the
                         New target                           Hong Kong protests in recent months.
                         Xi was speaking via video link to the UN General   President Xi’s announcement comes after
                         Assembly, and stressed that one of the lessons  months of political engagement by the Euro-
                         from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic  pean Union. European Commission President
                         is that humanity must pursue the green devel-  Ursula von der Leyen urged Xi earlier in Sep-
                         opment path and a green lifestyle, official news  tember to take zero emissions targets seriously.
                         website CGTN reported.                 “I welcome China’s ambition to curb emis-
                           China has not added much detail to its tar-  sions and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.
                         gets, and has not issued any interim targets or  It’s an important step in our global fight against
                         individual timetables for different sectors of the  climate change under the Paris Agreement. We
                         economy.                             will work with China on this goal. But a lot of
                           Meanwhile, the Chinese foreign ministry  work remains to be done,” said von der Leyen.
                         said: “China is willing to contribute more and we
                         are now considering and studying a mid-century  The future
                         long-term vision for climate change, including  Looking ahead, China will add details to these
                         such issues as the peaking of carbon dioxide  goals by formalising them in a new Nationally
                         emissions and carbon neutrality.”    Determined Contribution (NDC), which it will
                           This long-term goal for 2060 is entirely new,  submit to the IPCC. Many countries, and the
                         and adds China to the list of counties featur-  EU, are due to set new and improved goals in
                         ing the UK, the EU, France, New Zealand and  this document.
                         Sweden that have made the carbon neutral   This will give the world much more infor-
                         commitment.                          mation about how China intends to meet its
                           However, the International Panel on Climate  goals. The global community and the IPCC will

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   23•September•2020
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