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January 25, 2019
Putin's May Decrees and the 12 "national projects" take shape, but lacunae remain
Fabrice Deprez in Kyiv
Since he was elected for a fourth term in May 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin has tried to show he was serious about rubbish. The issue has rocked Russian politics for nearly two years now, as exasperated locals in the Moscow region started in the summer of 2017 to protest against toxic vapours emanating from nearby landfills.
Political fight to intensify in Poland
in aftermath of mayor’s murder
Wojciech Kosc in Warsaw
In a moving spectacle, some 45,000 people bid their final farewell to Pawel Adamowicz, the mayor of Gdansk, on January 19, one week after he was shockingly assassinated while taking part in a charity event.
Some powerful eulogies echoed in the 14th cen- tury St Mary’s church in downtown Gdansk where
Putin set out a comprehensive plan to transform Russia with his May Decrees in 2018 that contains 12 "national projects" but lacunae and questions remain.
In January 2019, Putin announced the creation of a national rubbish monopoly tasked with coordi- nating investments to modernise waste collec- tion systems across the country. This wasn’t his first stab at the issue however: a year ago, he had already demanded the government to put together
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53-year-old Pawel Adamowicz had been Gdansk’s mayor since 1998.
the mournful crowd of thousands of Gdansk peo- ple, who handed Adamowicz another term as their mayor only last October, stood in silence.
Adamowicz was 53 and had been Gdansk’s mayor since 1998. On the fateful evening, Adamowicz was
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