Page 17 - AfrOil Week 30
P. 17

AfrOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                               AfrOil

       Eni announces new

       oil discovery and new
       production in South-West

       Meleiha Concession in

       Egypt’s Western Desert

       Eni announces the successful drilling of the
       SWM-A-6X well, in the South-West Meleiha
       development and exploration concession located
       in the Egyptian Western Desert, some 130 km
       north of the of Siwa Oasis. The new well has been
       drilled close to existing production facilities and
       is already connected to the production network.
         The production from South West Meleiha  of oil, with a geological chance of success of  Cretaceous turbidites. Both Alpha and Gamma
       Concession began in July 2019 and in just one  17%. Global’s estimate, classified in accord-  are interpreted to be giant four-way dip clo-
       year ramped up to 12,000 bpd thanks to the con-  ance with the Society of Petroleum Engineers’  sured structures with billion-barrel potential
       tribution of new discoveries.       Petroleum Resources Management System, is  analogous to Welwitschia. The Dolphin Gra-
         The SWM-A-6X well, drilled in the Faghur  based on a reinterpretation of existing 3D data  ben Leads A, B, C & D, all of which are located
       basin, reached a total depth of 15,800 feet (4,820  which Global licensed from Namcor, taking into  directly adjacent to areas with mature source
       metres) and hit 130 feet (39.6 metres) of net oil  account recent well results in the area, and con-  rocks, are estimated individually to range in
       pay in the Paleozoic sandstones of the Dessouky  ducted by Global’s consultant exploration man-  size from 250mn to 686mn barrels of prospec-
       Formation. The well is already on stream with a  ager, who is also a principal of Energy Explorers  tive resources (arithmetically summed gross,
       daily production of 5,000 bpd.      Ltd.                                 unrisked, Pmean), based on Tower’s own initial
         Eni is successfully implementing its near-  Tower observes that this figure corresponds  unaudited estimates.
       field exploration strategy in the Egyptian West-  to the portion of the prospect on Block 2011A,   In addition to the structural plays identified
       ern Desert through AGIBA, a joint venture  and notes that approximately 25% of the Wel-  above, Tower has also identified significant pro-
       with Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation  witschia structure lies in Block 1911, which is  spectivity in stratigraphic plays within the Cre-
       (EGPC) quickly turning on production of the  covered by Tower’s license PEL 96. Although  taceous and Palaeogene intervals, with potential
       newly discovered resources.         this proportion is an estimate made without  for deep-water turbidite reservoir interbedded
         Eni has been present in Egypt since 1954,  the details of Global’s detailed reinterpreta-  with mature source rocks. These are analogous
       where it is the largest producer. Eni’s current  tion, it would imply that the total Best Estimate  to plays being explored by others in the Walvis
       equity production is above 300,000 barrels of oil  unrisked gross prospective resources of the  and Orange basins in the South, as well as the
       equivalent per day.                 Welwitschia Deep prospect’s entire structure  Namibe basin directly to the North.
       Eni, July 28 2020                   would be in the region of 895mn barrels. Of this,   Tower is now undertaking further technical
                                           approximately 224mn barrels would lie in Block  evaluation of the leads identified to-date as part
       Tower Resources                     1911, of which approximately 179mn barrels  of the work programme for the Initial Explora-
                                                                                tion Period for PEL 96, with focused geological,
                                           would be attributable to Tower.
       provides update on                  bonate and Upper Cretaceous turbidite inter-  geophysical, and geochemical analysis aiming
                                              To place this into perspective, Albian car-
                                                                                to high-grade areas for further data acquisition.
       activity at PEL 96                  vals have also been identified within multiple   As previously disclosed, Tower received an
                                           structural traps across Tower’s Namibian blocks.  unsolicited approach from a major oil company
       site in Namibia                     These reservoirs are proven on Block 1911 in the  regarding its license PEL 96 in the second half
                                           two wells drilled by Norsk Hydro in the mid  of 2019. That company has told Tower that it
       Tower Resources, the AIM-listed oil and gas  1990s, with well 1911/15-1 recovering oil from  remains interested in working on this project,
       company with a focus on Africa, has provided  Albian carbonates as well as penetrating three  but has not prioritised it during the first half of
       an update on activity in respect of license PEL  source rock intervals. We draw investors’ atten-  2020, and we expect discussions to remain on the
       96 in Namibia, covering Blocks 1910A, 1911 and  tion to the more detailed summary contained on  back burner in the second half of the year, or at
       1912B.                              our website.                         least until the COVID-19 pandemic situation is
         Tower has noted the announcement by   In particular, Tower’s license PEL 96 also  clearer.
       Global Petroleum of updated prospective  includes two other giant structures (identified   This has not affected our own plans for the
       resource estimates in respect of its license PEL  on the map on our website at the link above as  license, and we await with great interest the out-
       94, covering Block 2011A, which is immedi-  Alpha and Gamma) and four other substan-  come of further work, such as Global’s, and also
       ately to the South of Tower’s Block 1911. Global  tial leads in the Dolphin Graben (identified on  further wells being drilled in Namibia, including
       estimates that its Welwitschia Deep Albian  the same map as leads A, B, C and D), each of  Shell’s well on license PEL 39 and Total’s Venus
       carbonate prospect has Best Estimate unrisked  which contain multiple stacked reservoir tar-  well, all of which will enhance our own basin
       gross prospective resources of 671mn barrels  gets including Albian carbonates and Upper  modelling and prospect evaluation.

       Week 30   29•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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