Page 19 - AfrOil Week 30
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ION will seamlessly integrate and reimage
approximately 24,000 square km of MPME-held
3D data and can expand the scope to include
approximately 15,000 km of 2D data pending
industry support. Leveraging the Company’s
latest technology and extensive reimaging expe-
rience, ION aims to significantly enhance the
data’s resolution and subsurface insights. The
3D volume has applications across the E&P life-
cycle, helping reduce risk at play, prospect and
reservoir scales. ION expects the program to
commence in 2020, with final deliverables avail-
able in mid-2021.
Mohamed Abdel Vetah, Minister of Petro-
leum, Mines and Energy, commented: “Through
this project, ION will support the efforts of the
Ministry to improve its exploration strategy
offshore and onshore in the Taoudeni area and
attract more investors with the aim of devel-
oping the national resources for the benefit of
our nation and to build a long-term beneficial
partnership, which are the ultimate goals of his
Excellency the President of Mauritania.” of prospectivity in key areas offshore. President, Royal Triangle Energy Solutions; Ann
Joe Gagliardi, Senior Vice President of ION’s MegaSurveys are merged final-stack 2D and Norman, General Manager for Africa, Pioneer
Ventures group, said: “We are pleased Mau- 3D datasets which enable evaluation of basins Energy; Pierre Raillard, Head of Business Devel-
ritania selected ION to better understand its in a regional context, including visualisation of opment, Orca Exploration; Jeff Goodrich, for-
resources and attract new investments to the different plays and hydrocarbon migration path- mer CEO, OneLNG and former COO, Perenco.
country, enabling all stakeholders to make more ways on a large scale. They act as a mechanism Committee members gather decades of
informed decisions. Recent world-class discov- for exploration analog-building and opportunity experience in the public and private sector all
eries have identified huge volumes of natural gas. identification. across Africa and share a common belief in the
Mauritania’s subsurface has never been revealed “PGS is delighted to offer this superbly power of natural gas to propel Africa’s economic
on a regional 3D scale and we believe there is located 3D data to support the Nigerian Mar- development.
substantial potential to identify new prospec- ginal Fields Round, and enable participating From Senegal to South Africa, natural gas is
tive oil and gas opportunities in this proven, companies to gain a competitive advantage in taking an increasingly important place within
under-explored basin when viewed in this new their geological understanding,” says PGS New the continent’s energy mix. Africa is home to the
context. We expect this data volume will play a Ventures Manager Joshua May. world’s largest recent gas discoveries, especially
pivotal role in unlocking Mauritania’s remaining PGS, July 24 2020 in Senegal and Mozambique, and governments
hydrocarbon potential for years to come.” across the continent are increasingly recognis-
ION Geophysical, July 24 2020 ing the benefits of using African gas to drive eco-
MOVES nomic growth.
PGS data covers key African Energy Chamber undeveloped or exported, and its poten-
However, most of Africa’s gas had remained
blocks for Nigeria’s appoints natural gas tial to generate local value has remained
2020 bid round to support and expand several gas monetisation
The African Energy Chamber is on a mission
The PGS Nigeria MultiClient data library pro- advisory committee and valorisation initiatives such as: increas-
vides excellent 2D and 3D seismic coverage over In continuation of recent announcements on ing the use of CNG in the transport sector,
recently announced blocks in the 2020 Marginal the African Energy Chamber’s Advisory Board expanding PNG networks for households and
Fields Bid Round. (2020-2021), the Chamber is delighted to industries, developing small-scale LNG infra-
The Department of Petroleum Resources announce the nominations on its Natural Gas structure, supporting deals on gas-to-power,
(DPR), on behalf of the Federal Government Committee. The committee will be instrumental petrochemicals and fertilisers, and improving
of Nigeria, recently launched its 2020 licensing in advising the Chamber on several projects and access to data on gas supply and demand in the
round. A total of 57 marginal fields are on offer, initiatives to boost investments into gas infra- continent.
including a number in shallow-water terrains. structure across the continent, and develop gas “Natural gas has been good as an export com-
PGS MultiClient Data available for evaluation awareness campaigns to drive up demand and modity for African economies such as Nigeria
of blocks: The PGS Nigeria MegaSurvey com- consumption. or Equatorial Guinea. But good is not enough
plements offshore blocks of the 2020 Marginal The Natural Gas Committee of the Chamber’s anymore, as we recover from the most severe
Fields Bid Round, offering prospective block Advisory Board is made up of: Nosizwe Nok- industry and economic crisis in recent history,”
licensees the opportunity to integrate 3D seis- we-Macamo, Executive Chairman & Founder, declared NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman at the
mic data with available horizon interpretation Raise Africa Investments; Jorg Kohnert, Man- African Energy Chamber.
into block evaluations to gain an understanding aging Director, Jagal Energy; Eric Williams, African Energy Chamber, July 22 2020
Week 30 29•July•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P19