Page 25 - bne IntelliNews Country Report: Iran Dec17
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The   organisation   noted   that   92%   of   the   total   planned   VAT   tax   collection   was met   during   the   period.
For   the   entire   previous   Iranian   year,   some   IRR50tn   ($1.33bn)   was   collected. The   NTA   report   added   that   300,000   people   are   now   registered   for   paying   tax, while   3,000   firms   were   listed   as   tax   dodging   during   the   four-month   period.
In   2014,   the   NTA   was   given   clearance   by   the   Rouhani   administration   and parliament   to   inspect   the   bank   accounts   of   company   owners,   while,   additional regulation   added   that   close   family   members   could   be   brought   in   for questioning.
Fewer   than   20%   of   taxpayers   in   Iran   pay   80%   of   all   taxes.
Organisations   like   religious   foundations   have   come   in   for   steep   criticism   from the   president   in   the   last   few   months,   while   the   Iranian   Revolutionary   Guards Corps   which   also   does   not   pay   tax,   on   the   whole,   has   also   been   singled   out   for dodging   payments.
Drivers   using   Uber-like   applications   in   Iran   will   be   exempt   from self-employed   income   tax   for   the   time   being   according   to   the   Iranian National   Tax   Administration   (INTA),    Financial   Tribune    reported   on   August 23.
Ride-hailing   has   grown   in   popularity   in   cities   like   Tehran   and   Mashhad   in recent   months   with   more   than   100,000   "gig-economy"   jobs   created   from   the new   application-based   services.   They   are   also   popular   with   customers   too,   as they   are   on   average   50%   of   the   price   of   a   standard   cab   fare.
The   Director   General   of   the   INTA,   Kamal   Taqavi,   said:   “Like   taxi   drivers, ride-hailing   applications   will   be   exempt   from   tax   for   the   time   being.”   He   noted that   the   hosting   companies   (Snapp,   Tap30   and   Carpino)   would   pay corporation   tax   as   normal,   but   drivers   are   not   included   in   their   overall   tax calculation.
Like   other   countries,   ride-hailing   applications   have   turned   the   traditional   taxi industry   on   its   head,   with   several   attempts   by   different   organisations   trying   to slow   or   even   stop   their   progress.
6.1.2    Budget   dynamics   -   cash   subsidies
An   Iranian   parliamentary   committee   is   planning   to   slash   the   top   three echelons   of   earners   from   the   monthly   subsidy   plan,   Islamic   Republic News   Agency   reported   on   November   5.
Officially   called   the   “subsidy   reform   plan”   and   launched   during   the   second Ahmedinejad   presidency   in   2013,   it   allows   all   Iranians   of   adult   age   to   apply   for a   check   every   month   of   IRR450,000   ($11   at   the   current   exchange   rate).
According   to   parliamentary   economic   commission   chief   Mohammad   Reza   Pour Ebrahimi,   the   three   top   tiers   of   earners   are   likely   to   be   cut   from   the   scheme   in the   country   of   80mn.
25          IRAN   Country   Report    November   2017

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