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6.2    Debt
Iran   -   Gross   external   debt 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016* 2017*
External   debt   (USD   bn)
20.030 17.344 7.406 7.006 5.441 6.322 7.475 8.481
External   debt   (%   GDP)
4.281 2.929 1.258 1.366 1.277 1.577 / /
Source:   World   Bank,   CEIC
Tehran’s   city   government   is   struggling   with   a   debt   load   of   IRR300tn ($7.6bn),  the  capital’s  new  mayor  has  revealed, P   ersian  daily   Donyaye Eqtesad    reported   on   September   26.   The   figure   given   by   Mayor   Ali   Najafi   will have   caused   little   surprise   among   the   sprawling   city   of   14mn.   It   is   well   known that   former   Mayor   Mohammad   Baqer   Qalibaf   spent   a   fortune   on   building several   new   underground   metro   lines   and   highways.
Najafi   reportedly   said:   “The   outstanding   debt   is   1.7   times   more   than   the municipality’s   total   budget   for   the   current   year   [of   2017-18].”   The   city’s   budget for   the   current   year   is   IRR179tn   ($4.58bn),   although,   taking   into   account purchasing   power   parity,   that   figure   is   20%   smaller   than   it   was   six   years   ago.
The   mayor   noted   that   of   the   IRR90tn   ($2.3bn)   set   aside   for   the   city   in   the   first half   of   the   current   Persian   calendar   year   (March-September),   only   IRR67tn ($1.7bn)   had   been   spent   on   projects.
He   added   that   Tehran   infrastructure   projects,   including   the   construction   of further   metro   lines   and   overhauling   existing   overland   transport   lines,   were demanding   another   IRR225tn   ($5.7bn)   from   state   coffers.
The   city   and   national   governments   are   instead   looking   to   the   private   sector   to finance   projects,   as   current   state   expenditure   is   too   high,   Najafi   said.
In   August,   Iran   was   in   discussion   with    Italian   officials   over   securing   water replenishment   expertise       as   part   of   an   expensive   project   to   construct   a   huge sewage   system   for   the   capital.   One   feature   of   the   ambitious   investment,   being rolled   out   at   breakneck   speed,   will   mean   water   stocks   will   be   replenished   with sewage   water   purified   at   a   large   water   treatment   plant   south   of   the   city.
In   July   the   Islamic   Development   Bank   agreed   to   loan   the   Tehran   city government   an   additional   €125mn   to   enable   an   overhaul   of   the   city’s   sewage system,   which   is   essentially   non-existent   across   most   of   the   urban   spread.
Iran's   foreign   debt   stood   at   $6.3bn   in   2015,     down   almost   64%   compared to   the   figure   in   2011,   when   sanctions   were   placed   on   the   country,    the World   Bank   (WB)   said   in   its   latest    International   Debt   Statistics   2017    report. Iran’s   debt   fell   substantially   thanks   to   the   post-sanctions   country   being   able   to access   frozen   assets   in   several   nations,   including   the   US.
The   report   said   that   in   2015   Iran's   long-term   foreign   debt   was   $2.3bn,   its foreign   short-term   debt   was   $2.0bn   and   its   debt   owed   to   international   financial organisations   was   also   $2.0bn.   The   ratio   of   external   debt   to   GDP   stood   at 1.6%   for   2015,   down   from   2.9%   in   2011.
27          IRAN   Country   Report    November   2017

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