Page 19 - EurOil Week 46
P. 19

EurOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

       PSA’s inspection report on  Norwegian oil fund hits all-                 of 250mn barrelsof oil. The partners are Aker
                                                                                BP with 35% and Wintershall Dea with 25
       Hammerfest LNG completed time high                                       per cent working interests.

       Equinor has received the report of the   Norway’s savings account has hit an all-time
       Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA)   high valuation following a stock market rise   Serbia hopes to privatise
       after its inspection of the major accident and   and depreciation of the krone.
       electrical system at Hammerfest LNG in the   On the morning on November 12,   petchems producer by end
       period September 21 and 24 2020. Equinor   Norway’s oil fund hit a new all-time high
       has started improving the conditions that led   value of NOK10.93 trillion, or approximately   of 2021
       to the order, deviations and improvement   $1.2bn, The valuation tops the previous
       areas indicated in the PSA report.  record of NOK10.88 trillion set in mid-  Serbia’s government is looking to complete the
         In a press release published on October   October.                     privatisation of petrochemicals producer HIP
       2 Equinor informed about the PSA’s verbal                                Petrohemija by the end of 2021, Economy
       summary of the inspection and that the                                   Minister Andjelka Atanaskovic said on
       company had immediately started improving   Lundin drills dry well in the   November 17.
       the conditions pointed out by the PSA.                                     “I hope for some favourable
       The PSA’s report in writing confirmed   Barents Sea                      developments ... and that we may finished
       the findings communicated in the verbal                                  HIP Petrohemija’s privatisation next year,
       summary and concludes that a systematic   Swedish oil and gas company Lundin has not   the minister said.
       approach to the application and execution   been able to find any hydrocarbons at the   In October 2019, the chairman of
       of deviation handling is missing. The report   Polmak well exploration well in the Barents   Russia’s Gazprom Neft, Alexander Dyukov,
       further indicates a lack of correction and   Sea offshore Norway.        said the company was interested in the
       follow-up of conditions pointed to by the   Lundin said that it completed exploration   acquisition of HIP Petrohemija.
       PSA during former inspections.      well 7221/4-1 targeting the Polmak prospect   Serbian oil and gas group NIS
         The PSA report states that the inspection   in licences PL609 and PL1027 in the   [BEL:NIIS], majority-owned by Gazprom
       has proven serious breaches to the   southern Barents Sea.               Neft, owns 12.72% shareholding interest
       regulations on deviation handling and orders   According to the company’s   in HIP Petrohemija, according to the
       Equinor to review the company’s system   announcement on Monday, the well was   teaser prospectus of the petrochemical
       for recording and follow-up of identified   classified as dry. The main objective of the   group posted on the website of Serbia’s
       deviations, secure handling of identified   well was to prove hydrocarbons in Triassic   privatisation agency.
       deviations and implement measures that   aged sandstones within the Kobbe formation
       are required to secure compliance with the   of the Polmak prospect.
       company’s systems for recording and follow-  The well encountered indications of   Lukoil switches Serbian
       up of deviations.                   hydrocarbons in a nine-meter interval
         “We take the feedback in the PSA’s   in poor quality reservoir in the targeted   unit to different subsidiary
       inspection report very seriously. We will   formation.
       study the feedback carefully and respond   The well was drilled 30 km east of the   Austria-based Lukoil International GmbH
       to the orders and close the deviations. We   Johan Castberg discovery, by the West Bollsta  has acquired the 99.8% stake of Dutch-based
       have started implementing, or already   semi-submersible drilling rig. Lundin Energy   Lukoil Europe Holdings in Lukoil’s Serbian
       implemented, measures regarding several   is the operator of Polmak with a 47.5%   unit, Lukoil Serbia said on November 17.
       of the deviations stated in the PSA’s report,   working interest.          Lukoil International has acquired a total
       and we will work on closing the remaining   The partners are Wintershall Dea with   of 11.1mn shares of Lukoil Serbia from
       issues with quality by deadlines agreed with   25%, Inpex with 10%, DNO Norge with 10%   Lukoil Europe Holdings, Lukoil Serbia said
       the PSA,” says Grete B. Haaland, senior vice   and Idemitsu Petroleum with 7.5% working   in a filing with the Belgrade Stock Exchange.
       president for Equinor’s onshore plants.  interests.                        Lukoil Europe Holdings handles the
         “The employees at Hammerfest LNG are   Lundin spudded the Polmak well in   European operations of Lukoil. The company
       working hard to ensure safe operation, follow  mid-October. Only days after the spud, a   owns and operates oil and gas exploration
       up measures and carry out improvements at   22.9 metre-long, 26.5-tonne pipe became   and production assets.
       the plant. They are now working on repairing   detached from the handling equipment on
       and resuming operation safely at the plant   the West Bollsta, skidded and fell to the drill
       after the consequential damages of the fire   floor. Fortunately, there were no injuries.  Equinor weeks contractors
       in September. The PSA’s inspection report   Soon after the incident the Norwegian
       documents that some deviations have not   offshore safety watchdog, the Petroleum   for Northern Lights HDD
       been properly followed up, and we will now   Safety Authority Norway (PSA), started an
       go through and improve our systems and   investigation on the rig.       works
       processes. This will be done in collaboration   Operated by Seadrill Europe
       with our employees in the follow-up of   Management, this drilling rig received an   Norwegian energy giant Equinor has invited
       the inspection report going forward,” says   acknowledgement of compliance (AoC) from   contractors to show interest for a pre-
       Andreas Sandvik, vice president of the   the PSA in October 2020.        qualification process related to the Horizontal
       Hammerfest LNG plant.                  The West Bollsta rig will now proceed to   Directional Drilling (HDD) works for
                                           drill the Lundin Energy (40%) operated Bask   the landfall of CO2 pipeline as part of the
                                           prospect in PL 533B. Well 7219/11-1 will   Northern Lights project.
                                           target Paleocene aged sandstones, estimated   The works will cover the engineering,
                                           to hold gross unrisked prospective resources   procurement and construction of HDD

       Week 46   19•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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