Page 20 - EurOil Week 46
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tunnel for the pipeline landfall at the stream just over a year ago. delayed coking technology at its Pancevo
plant for import and storage of CO2 at Jez Averty, senior vice president for refinery in northern Serbia on November 18.
the industrial area in the municipality of operations south in Development and The construction of the facility began in
Øygarden in Western Norway. Production Norway, said: “For the second 2017 and the investment was estimated at
time since the start-up the plant is able to more than €300mn.
The objective is to provide a transport increase its daily capacity. As Johan Sverdrup “This [facility] is important for us,
solution for the CO2 gas from Kollsnes to is a field with high profitability and low CO2 because it will significantly improve
the Oseberg Field. The purpose of the HDD emissions, a production rise is great news. the position of NIS,” Serbia’s President
drilled landfall tunnel at Kollsnes is to make The field has low operating costs, providing Aleksandar Vucic said in a statement
it possible to pull in the pipeline from the revenue for the companies and Norwegian following the launch ceremony.
pipelay barge to the construction site inside society, even in periods with low prices”. Gazprom Neft holds 56.15% of the shares
the Kollsnes plant. The Johan Sverdrup field is powered in Serbian NIS, a vertically integrated oil
The value of the contract has been from shore with very low CO2 emissions and gas company working on the Southeast
estimated at NOK80mn, according to the per barrel. Emissions during the field life European market. The Serbian government
tender announcement on TED (Tenders are estimated at less than 0.7kg CO2 per owns 29.87%, while the remaining stake
Electronic Daily), a platform dedicated to produced barrel. belongs to citizens, current and former
European public procurement. Phase 2 of the Johan Sverdrup field employees and other minority shareholders.
The contract will be signed by Equinor development is on schedule, and production NIS is the main player on the local oil market
on behalf of the Northern Lights Project start is scheduled for the fourth quarter of and is one of its largest exporters.
partnership, which includes other oil and gas 2022. Construction of the DCC is among the
majors Total and Shell. The increase means that the full-field largest Gazprom Neft investment projects
The Northern Lights projects is part of plateau production capacity is expected to in Serbia and is a key part of the second
the Norwegian full-scale carbon capture rise from 690,000 to around 720,000 bpd of phase of a major programme which it has
and storage project Longship, or Langskip oil. been executing since 2009 to modernise the
in Norwegian, which has been described as The Johan Sverdrup field is using water refining capacity at NIS.
“the greatest climate project in Norwegian injection to secure high recovery of reserves With capacity of 2,000 tonnes per day, the
industry ever”. and maintain production at a high level. facility will allow the conversion rate – a key
“Based on the positive results of the indicator of a refinery’s operational efficiency
capacity test where we produced at rates – to reach 99.2%. Moreover, the refinery’s
Equinor to ramp up of over 500,000 bpd of oil, we are now production of high-quality diesel fuel will
increase by more than 38%.
working on solutions to increase the water
Sverdrup output injection capacity which should allow us to
further increase daily production capacity
Equinor is targeting an increase in oil output beyond this level by mid-2021”, said Rune
at the Johan Sverdrup oil project to 500,000 Nedregaard, vice president for Johan
barrels per day by the end of the year, it has Sverdrup operations.
This is around 60,000 bpd more than the
original basis when the field came on stream, Gazprom Neft launches
Equinor said on November 18.
Equinor and its partners have tested deep conversion complex at
the plant capacity in November to verify a
possible production rise. As the test results Serbia’s Pancevo refinery
have been very positive a production
increase is called for by the end of 2020. Serbian oil company Naftna Industrija
By then the production capacity will rise Srbije (NIS), majority-owned by Russian
from today’s 470,000 to around 500,000 bpd Gazprom Neft, launched a freshly completed
of oil. The Johan Sverdrup field came on deep conversion complex (DCC) involving
P20 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 46 19•November•2020