Page 17 - EurOil Week 42
P. 17

EurOil                                      PERFORMANCE                                               EurOil

       European gas demand never to return

       to pre-pandemic levels: IEA

        EUROPE           GAS demand in Europe will never again reach  targets for scaling back emissions. The European
                         the level it did before the pandemic, the Interna-  Parliament recently voted in favour of raising the
       All other regions will   tional Energy Agency (IEA) has said in its latest  target for 2030 cuts from 40% to 60%, and has
       see growth over the   World Energy Outlook.            also backed applying its emissions trading sys-
       next two decades.   In its State Policies Scenario (STEPS), which  tem (ETS) to shipping.
                         reflects today’s announced policy intentions and   In the IEA’s Sustainable Development Sce-
                         targets, the Paris-based agency forecasts that the  nario (SDS), which assumes a surge in clean
                         continent’s consumption will fall from 606bn  energy policies and investments that puts the
                         cubic metres in 2019 to 598 bcm in 2025, 570  world on track to meet the goals of the Paris
                         bcm in 2030 and 536 bcm in 2040.     Agreement, the contraction in demand is much
                           This marks the first time the IEA’s STEPS case  greater.
                         has projected that European gas demand is past   Consumption will fall to just 572 bcm in
                         its peak. The agency has previously forecasted  2025, 476 bcm in 2030 and only 332 bcm in 2040.
                         that growth will be supported by the retiring of   The good news for gas exporters to Europe is
                         coal and nuclear plants in countries such as Ger-  that, under STEPS, a decline in indigenous pro-
                         many. While gains will still be made, they will be  duction means import requirements will con-
                         more than offset by expanding renewables use  tinue growing from 346 bcm in 2019 to 360 bcm
                         and greater efficiency.              in 2025 and inch up to 362 bcm in 2030. They
                           All other continents will see continued  will then contract to 351 bcm by 2040, however.
                         growth in consumption over the next two dec-  Unsurprising, coal use will decline across
                         ades, with the Asia-Pacific region leading the  every region under STEPs save for the Asia-Pa-
                         way.                                 cific area, which will see a very modest growth.
                           “In Europe in the STEPS .... the challenge for  In Europe, demand will plunge from 387 mega-
                         the gas industry is to retool itself for a different  tonnes of coal equivalent to 250 in 2025, 202 in
                         energy future,” the IEA said in its summary.  2030 and 163 in 2040. Under SDS, coal use will
                         “This can come via demonstrable progress with  shrink to 180 megatonnes in 2025, 116 in 2030
                         methane abatement, via alternative gases such  and 73 in 2040.
                         as biomethane and low-carbon hydrogen, and   Oil demand in Europe will fall from 13.3mn
                         technologies like carbon capture, utilisation and  barrels per day in 2019 to 11.9mn bpd in 2025,
                         storage (CCUS).                      10.9mn bpd in 2030 and 8.6mn bpd in 2040
                           Europe is aspiring to become the world’s first  under STEPs. SDS sees consumption dwindling
                         climate-neutral continent by 2050, and its poli-  to 11.1mn bpd in 2025, 9.0mn bpd in 2030 and
                         ticians continue to propose ever more ambitious  4.7mn bpd in 2040. ™

       Week 42   22•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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