Page 100 - Batson Master Catalog Updated 01-17-2023
P. 100


                                  6061-T6 ALUMINUM
                                  6061-T6  marine-grade  aluminum  is  the  base  in  many  All ALPS aluminum products feature anodizing that is performed in state-
                                  ALPS and ForeCast reel seats. The durability, weight and   of-the-art facilities that feature the most consistent and durable anodizing
                                  machinable  curves  are  sure  to  impress  and  will  last  a   found anywhere. Bright, vibrant and durable colors that hold up in the
                                  lifetime. Inherently rust resistant, this material is perfect for   rough and tumble saltwater fishing environment without blinking!
                                  any rod build.

                                                                                    ForeCast Aluminum seats have the same family ties as ALPS, with fewer
                                                                                    features and color options. Wanna talk value, look no further. ForeCast
                                  TORAY GRAPHITE FILLED NYLON                       Aluminum  seats  are  the  finest  price  point  seats  on  the  market  today.
                                  This  state  of  the  art  material  is  used  on  our  ALPS  MVT   Produced in the same facilities as the ALPS products, these seats out
                                  casting  reel  seats.  Utilizing  chopped  Toray  carbon  fibers
                                  allows  for  stronger,  lighter  and  unrivaled  sensitivity.  This   perform all the competition except one.... that being the finest aluminum
                                  material is cutting edge to say the least. Yet another first  seats made, ALPS.
                                  from ALPS.

                                  GRAPHITE FIBERGLASS FILLED NYLON                  ALPS  nylon  products  feature  bead  blasted  finish  that  is  performed  in
                                  Both  ALPS  and  ForeCast  reel  seats  are  injection  molded  state-of-the-art  facilities  that  execute  the  most  consistent  and  smooth
                                  with this high strain/UV stable material. This strong, sensitive  finish found anywhere. Smoothness is superb. No sloppy parting lines on
                                  and light weight blend is sought after by many anglers to   Alps seat like some other brands.
      REEL SEA
                                  get the best of both worlds.
                                                                                    ForeCast  nylon  seats  have  the  same  family  ties  as  Alps,  with  fewer
                                                                                    features and options. Wanna talk value, look no further. Forecast nylon
                                                                                    seats are the finest price point seats on the market today. Produced in
                                  WOVEN TEXALIUM FIBERGLASS W/ WOVEN  the same facilities as the Alps products, these seats out perform all the
                                  ALUMINUM                                          competition except one... that being the finest nylon seats made, Alps.
                                  Woven  Texalium  is  commonly  used  for  handles  and  reel
                                  seat inserts for its beauty, strength and feel. Offered in many
                                  woven color variations, it will enhance your next rod build                                                           THREAD OD
                                  and make it stand out from the rest.

                                  3K WOVEN GRAPHITE
                                  3k woven graphite is incorporated into our grips and reel
                                  seat inserts. This specialized material enhances sensitivity
                                  to give you that extra bit of feel while maintaining needed
                                  strength. If you want to max out the sensitivity of your next
                                  custom  build,  try  our  3K  Woven  Graphite  carbon  fiber
                                  handles and fore grips.                               ID
                                                                                                        Common Reel Seat Specs
                                                                                    RETAINER OD
   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105