P. 7


      Firearm theft statistics

       The National Crime                                          Offenses Using a Firearm by Volume 2016
       Information Center
       (NCIC) reports in Texas,                                                 Texas*                          United States
       28,775 guns were                                             Count     By Firearm    Percent     Count      By Firearm    Percent
       reported and entered by
       law enforcement                      Murder                   1,472       1,164       79.1%      17,250       11,004      63.8%
       agencies as stolen in                Robbery                 33,258      18,428       55.4%     332,198      125,289      37.7%
       2016; nationwide -
       304,871 were reported                Aggravated Assault      72,636      21,603       29.7%     803,007      189,851      23.6%
       and entered as stolen. As

       of Jan. 23, 2018, of those
       stolen, 21,598 are still                                  Stolen vs. Recovered Firearm Property 2016
       active records, while                                           Texas*                                United States
       7,177 have been retired;                             Stolen      Recovered     Percent       Stolen        Recovered      Percent
       nationwide - 216,100 are
       still active and 88,771              Firearms     $23,323,371    $2,068,192      8.8%     $155,186,427    $14,794,219      9.5%
       have been retired.
                                                                           Source: Crime in the U.S. (9/25/2017), Crime in Texas (10/30/2017)
       Texas percentages for             robbery and aggravated            do occur in Texas than

       murder, robbery and               assaults. Given the               the median. However, the
       aggravated are slightly           comparative population            per capita rate is lower
       higher than the national          size of Texas, a larger           than the national
       percentages for murder,           number of violent crimes  averages.
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