Page 228 - yearbook to print
P. 228
karim mallak
I wanna thank my parents, my brothers, my teachers, and the
school for who I am today.
The day I got to wear my Senior uniform.
Playing the guitar
American “When there’s a will, there’s a way.”
karin woo deru
How time flies, it is time to say good-bye. It has been a long ten
years, and I cherish all these years from the bottom of my heart.
The best memory for me in this school was being able to work with a
group of students that have brilliant ideas, endless energy, and antici- Music
pated enthusiasm for school events and activities. I would like to thank Tennis
them sincerely from the bottom of my HEART. Swimming
“A great accomplishment should not be the end of the road, just Singapoeran
the starting point for the next leap forward.” – Harvey Mackay
Senior profiles.indd 40 6/12/2018 1:02:22 PM