Page 231 - yearbook to print
P. 231
laith al masri
Thank you to all the teachers that made classes bearable
(J-money), and to all the people that made my 6 years here
truly memorable. #S18
Football with the lads
“Education is important but big biceps are importanter.”
layan shaban
I can’t believe I’m going through my last few months in Choueifat. Am I actually writing my
Senior statement? Feels more like a dream. Anyway, one might think that senior year is all
fun and games, until the first chemistry homework exam. Don’t ever think that when the
journey to your success is at its ending point, it’ll get easier. It won’t. It’ll keep pushing your
limit until you shift your limit’s curve outward to the most efficient level. Never give up to all
the breakdowns you WILL come across, because it’s all about testing your patience.
Of course, I would like to thank all the teachers who have dealt with my questions (shout
out to Mr. Ali Daoud) and surprisingly never caught me eating in their classes since eighth
grade. I would like to thank my friends for always being there for me during my stress
breakdowns from Choueifat exams. On top of that, I want to show my appreciation for my
family and loved ones that always supported me during my journey in school. Thank you
Choueifat for all these memories that I’m going to remember and cherish.
Watching Seniors’12 enjoy their last day of school, throwing water-balloons and
colored powder at each other, my friends and I talked about how we couldn’t Badminton
wait to be seniors in six years’ time, and enjoy ourselves the way they did. Well, Cross Country
here we are Seniors’18. Football
“Time is the wisest counselor of all”- Pericles
Senior profiles.indd 43 6/12/2018 1:02:32 PM