Page 237 - ISCDXB yearbook2016
P. 237
Name: Stephanie Haddad
(i.e. Steph, Phany, Stephy, Stemy )
Date of birth:15th/March/1999
Hobbies: None unfortunately
Major: Business Management
Favorite quote: “I’ve spent 113,880 hours of
my life waiting for a piece of paper and a
I would like to thank Google, Wikipedia, and
Copy&Paste. Thank you. Shout out to The Herd and
HB, it’s been real. Goodluck to the class of 2016.
Name: Syeda Eman Jafri
(i.e. I hate this concept)
Date of birth:26/March/1999
Hobbies: sleeping
Major: Political Sciences, International
Favorite quote: “'re my go to.” – Right
Hand, Drake
The end of high school has always been something
that we ached for; but near the end, we feel like
holding on to everything for just a little bit longer.
For some reason, even after 7 years at this school, I
don't feel prepared for what lies ahead. No more
answer forums, no more advising books, not even
Mr. Khatib’s speeches. However, I can safely say that
the challenges I'll face won't strike me as hard as
they would the average person. Shout out to my
parents and friends, whose persistent love and
support couldn't be repaid even in 10 lifetimes. And
to Choueifat’s eager and fervid hands holding ours,
halking out our fut
chalking out our futures with every degree of succor
that has helped shape a huge part of me, even
hat has helped shap
when I had a lot of
when I had a lot of growing to do.