Page 241 - ISCDXB yearbook2016
P. 241
Name: Yara Madi
(i.e. Yarzy, Batata)
Date of birth: 10/05/99
Hobbies: Talentless
Major: Political Science
Favorite quote: “I couldn’t have done it with-
out me, myself, and I.”
Well... it's been a long 14 years of my life in this
school as well as the best of them (at times). I never
thought this time would come. I've been waiting for
this time for so long, but I never realized how much
I'd actually miss it until recently as it's all coming to
an end. Thank you to everyone who made my life
here. I will cherish these memories for as long as
possible. I love and will miss you all. Special thanks
to Mom and Dad for bringing me back home early
and always being there for me. I love you guys. I
spent 5110 days of my life at this school. Thank
you Choueifat. Best of luck to you all
Name: Yash Jhamnani
Date of birth: 04/02/1999
Hobbies: Tennis, Cricket, Video games,
Content creation
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Favorite quote: “We are not given a good life
or a bad life. We are given life. And it’s up to
you to make it good or bad.” - Unknown
Through the years of my life, I have learnt a few
things. A good friend taught me that I could be
anybody I wanted to be. He showed me that
whatever hardships I had to go through were
nothing compared to the hardship of believing in
myself. And now thanks to him I do believe in
myself and so should everybody else.