Page 244 - ISCDXB yearbook2016
P. 244

Name: Wafi Khan
                                           (i.e. Wafs, Waffles, Waf, Wafers, Wofi,Waficles,
                                           Waffelette, NimNim, Vafeh, @waficecream
                                           (follow btw) )
                                           Date of birth: 30/04/98
                                           Hobbies: Eating, sleeping, watching movies
                                           and TV shows, studying for Chem HW, bench
                                           pressing trucks, bicep curling motorbikes,
                                           Major: Engineering
                                           Favorite quote: “Into exile I must go, failed I
                                           have” –Master Yoda and his brother sleep!

                                            It's funny. Two years ago, I couldn't wait to
                                            graduate, yet here I am now, writing this with a
                                            completely different mindset. It was honestly the
                                            most beautiful way to spend 7 years. Shout-out to
                                            all the friends I've made at Choueifat over the years,
                                            each so different from the others yet all so amazing.
                                            I'm going to miss each and every one of you.
                                            Moreover, the SABIS Staff, I'm going to miss all of
                                            you so much. You made learning more enjoyable,
                                            which is the best gift a student can ask for.

     Name: Waleed Azhar
               Waleed Azharleed Azhar
     (i.e. "Walid" , "Inwalid" , "Wally")
            Walid" , "Inwalid" , "Waalid" , "Inwalid" , "Wa
     Date of birth:28/11/98
             of bir
             of birthth:28/11/98:28/11/98
             es: Footy, Sleeping, and: Footy, Sleeping, and
     Hobbies: Footy, Sleeping, and Procrastinating.
     Major: Computer Science
     Favorite quote: "Work until you no longer
     have to introduce yourself." - Harvey Specter
     It's been a long journey with several ups and downs;
     a journey I thought would never end. Fortunately
     that wasn't the fate and as hard as it is to believe, I
     actually made it out alive. The past 8 years have
     been quite memorable. Onto the next stage of life
     now, innit fam.
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