Page 8 - TeachnologyTeachingandLearning_Neat
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Teachers of the Early Generations VS
Teachers of the 21 st Century
Teachers of Yesteryears Teachers of the 21 Century
Disseminate information through lectures Allow students to solve real world problems.
Require students memorize contents form Allow students to construct their own
textbooks. understanding of the subject matter.
Make use of textbooks and workbooks as their Make use of manipulative materials; makes use of
reference. multitude of prints and electronic sources.
Give assessments through written examination Give performance – based assessments
Focus on their responsibility and relationship with (Performance based)
the students as receipts of knowledge. Widen their responsibility and their relationship
Followers of policies prescribed by the school. with colleagues, community and other
Use lecture as teaching method. stakeholders.
Deliver the same lessons every year. Participate in the decision – making in schools.
Use of variety of teaching methods appropriate in
the student’s learning
Spend time in researching new updates